Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey

I messed up

I clutched onto my bag as I searched the airport for my mom but of course I was to short. I finally found her and we went to the car. I had on big glasses so she couldn't see the bag around my eyes and how red they were from crying. The car ride home was quiet for the most part.

"So, your dad finally moved out, two days ago. It's much nicer at home now that he isn't there." I just nodded in agreement. I didn't want to talk cause I was afraid that I would say something about Alex. Just the thought of him made me want to break down into tears but I held them back. "Do you want to talk about it?" she questioned, meekly. I just shook my head no and stared out the window, focusing on the buildings and people we were passing. When we were finally home I went straight to my room and to my laptop to finalize the apartment I've been thinking about getting. I was positive now. Just need to pack now. I stared at my room and sighed as I looked around. Guess I will start now.


I walked down the stairs, the next morning, and into the kitchen where my mom was finishing up breakfast. She looked so happy and I was about to ruin it.

"Glad you're awake. Just finished. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll serve you out." she smiled. I nodded and sat at the table. Not a minute later my food was in front of me and my mom next to me. I shifted uncomfortably through out eating. I was nervous. I didn't want to hurt mom. I took a deep breath.

"Mom. I have something I need to tell you." I sighed out. Her eyes got big.

"Don't you dare say the p word. I will kill you, Love." I laughed and shook my head. I became serious again.

"I found an apartment near school. I just finalized the renting." She looked at me and nodded, solemnly.

"Oh. When do you leave?" she asked. I fidgeted and messed with my hands.

"Tomorrow." I said quietly. She was quiet for a little.

"Oh." she was silent for another minute. "Well you might want to start packing. I will go to the grocery store and see if they've got boxes." she said as she stood and collected our plates, going to wash them in the kitchen. I stood and went to my room to finish what I started last night.

About 4 hours tops, with breaks through out, I finished. I planned on leaving tomorrow morning around 6. It is going to be about a 9 hour drive. I knew mom was upset, but I won't be able to stand to see him again. I can't do that to myself. I needed to leave this town.


I put the last box into the car and closed the back door. I turned around to face my mom. We hugged each other for almost 10 minutes. We were both crying. Of course I would miss my mom. I love her to death and I know she feels the same way. So here we both were, me leaving to a different state to live there and go to college. So far from home. To far. She kissed my cheek.

"Call to check in when you get there." She said as I got in the car.

"I promise." I smiled as I started the car.

"Seat belt. And be careful and don't drive like a maniac." she kissed my forehead through the window. I laughed and pulled it on.

"Bye mommy." I said. I pulled out of our driveway. I watched in my rear view mirror, my house, begin to fade away. Get smaller and smaller. Along with the house next to it. No I didn't forget to say goodbye to Isobel and Peter. I said goodbye last night. Isobel cried and begged me to stay to keep track of Alex. I almost wanted to stay and cry and never leave. But I needed to do this for myself. I won't anything wreck my dreams. I counted every mile marker I passed. 7 so far. I just focused, focused on getting farther and farther away from Baltimore. I can't take that city no longer. But in the back of my mind Alex was there, him crying on the floor of the hotel as the elevator doors closed. That image will stay with me forever.

**Alex's Point of View**

"Mom! I'm home!" I closed the door behind me and took my stuff to my room. I jogged back down stairs and to the kitchen. There was no one there but there was a note on the fridge.

'At the neighbors. Come on over when you get home. -Mom and Dad'

I sighed and decided to take my chances with Lola and talk to her. I walked over to the neighbors house and walked in. My mom and dad were on the couch and Eliza was in the arm chair. They were having coffee or tea.

"Welcome back, Alex. How was the trip?" my mom asked.

"It was ok for the most part. Do you mind? I think I need to go and talk to Lola." I said, turning to the stairs.

"Alex." Eliza said. I turned back around. She had a sad look on her face. "Lola left this morning, sweetie." I just stared for a second, trying to process what she just had said. It was like my feet had a mind of their own and ran upstairs, barging into Lola's room. It was empty except her dresser, bed, and a box on the bed. I walked to the box. It was a gift. It was the gift box I gave to Lola for Valentine's Day. I looked at the tag. There was tape and something written. Alex was written in Lola's handwriting was what was on the tag. I opened it and it was filled with all of the things I gave Lola. Everything. I couldn't help myself but to cry. I really wish she would pop out of her closet and yell "You just got punked!" but I knew that wasn't happening.

I messed up.
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THE END! but! there will be a sequel! WOOT WOOT *Fist pumps* Lol. Hope you enjoyed and thank you to all the readers, commenters, and subscribers! it means a lot to me and I love you all!
