Pass Me Another Bottle, Honey


I tried to open my eyes, only to be blinded. I snapped them shut and turned so I was face down on the bed. The sheets smelt of something wonderful. I inhaled and just laid there. My head pounded once the ring tone from my phone was blaring. I quickly grabbed it and shut it up. I set my hands against my head and slowly sat up. I opened my eyes slowly. I was in Alex's room. I looked down next to me to see a rose, note, water, and two pills. I looked at my clothes. I was wearing Alex's clothes. I didn't remember anything from last night after walking to the docks. I grabbed the note.

'Come to my bands show tonite at 7. Aneko knows where it is. -Alex P.S. Good Morning. :)'

I smiled, silently laughed at the way he spelt tonight, and looked at the rose. Well that's cute, I thought. I then took the pills and focused my attention to my phone. It was Nova.

'We doing anything tonight or no?'

I replied.

'Of course. Be at my house at 5.'

I got out of Alex's bed and left to my house.


I stood there awkwardly as Kara handed us our tickets and backstage passes. I didn't know her that well but Aneko said she was ok. She is Rian's girlfriend. She seemed nice. Once we got our stuff we entered the venue. It was small but it was big either.

"Let's go in front!" Lyric chirped out as she grabbed Nova's and Erin's hands. They then ran off into the crowd. I stood there as Tegan, Aneko, and Dalia decided to go and get drinks. I didn't bring my fake i.d. so I couldn't go into the bar area with them. That left me with Kara. She smiled at me.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked. I shrugged and she chuckled.

"Well do you want to stay back here? Or we can go deeper into the crowd and risk getting squished or we can go backstage." She said.

"Um," I looked around nervously, "let's go backstage." I said. She smiled and held out her hand. I took it and she led the way. We showed our passes to the security guard and he let us in the door. Back stage there were tons of girls dressed up like whores, hair done, heels on.

"Oh god." Kara groaned. I looked at her questioningly.

"What?" I asked.

"Band whores. They always find ways to get backstage passes and then they come back here and be all over the guys." she said as I looked around. I felt a tug in my stomach as I saw some busty, blonde girl wearing a mini skirt and a revealing top along with 5 inch heels talking and touching Alex.

"Oh." Was all I could say as I stared. She took a picture of her kissing his cheek. I looked down at myself. I have no chance against these girls. Look at me. I'm wearing a flannel, converse, skinny jeans, hair not done up, just regular wavy hair. Alex then noticed me and a huge smile came onto his face. He said something to the girl and her face fell from the smile. He walked away from her and through the crowd of girls dressed in slutty clothes, asking for his autograph, right to me, the girl awkwardly standing there. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

"Glad you made it. So you got the note?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Good." he said. He kissed my cheek. "Come on. Let's go on a walk."

"Don't you have a show to play?" I asked.

"Another band is going on first. We don't play until 8." he said. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked off. We walked out the back door into the back street. There were a few random people here and there, talking, smoking, and whatever else. We walked to this chain linked fence. He leaned against it and I did so too. I got out a cigarette.

"So I am really glad you came." he smiled as I lit up. I smiled back and let out the smoke.

"Me too." I took another drag. He stood there watching me for a moment that was until someone came running over.

"Hey guys!" Jack yelled as he jumped onto Alex's back. I laughed while Alex looked annoyed.

"Hey Jack." I said.

"Oh hey, Lola. Well don't you look lovely." he smiled from Alex's back. I cocked an eyebrow.

"This is how I usually look." I said.

"Yeah I know. I like it. It's nice compared to all these other sluts all over Alex's jock." he said. Alex blushed a deep red as he got Jack off his back.

"Well thanks Jack." I smiled. He gave me a thumbs up.

"I'm voting for you." he said. I laughed as he walked away. I looked at Alex.

"I didn't know I was in a competition." I said. He gulped nervously.

"You're not in one. You already won- Oh damn. Fuck. I mean- Um." he began to stutter. I just laughed and set my hand on his chest.

"Alex. Breathe. It's all good. You don't have to explain. I was just yanking your chain." I smiled. He sighed a sigh of relief. I laughed again and kissed his cheek and then walked back to the building.

"Hey where are you going?" he asked after me.

"Come on. Let's go watch." I said as I heard the music from inside. I stopped at the door and looked back at him. He sighed and jogged to me.

"Fine." he said, sticking out his tongue.


The guys played great and we went out to eat at the local diner after. We just got done partying at Kara's house. Alex and I were walking home. I wasn't drunk like I was last night. I only had two drinks and smoked a little. Alex's hand kept bumping and running into mine. I smiled to myself. We have been talking the whole time. Right now he was talking about when he moved here from England. he made some joke and we both laughed.

"Lola, can I ask you something serious?" he asked nervously.

"Go ahead." I said. He looked at the ground as he walked.

"Ok well I have this friend and he really likes this girl he's been hanging out with recently. He doesn't know if he should make a move or what he should do at all." he said quietly. I smiled.

"Well I would tell him to go for it." I said. He looked at me and I smiled at him. His hand bumped into mine but this time he laced our fingers together and we continued on walking and talking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lola's show outfit.

Like it? Sorry I didn't put the guys playing in. :/

Well I do hope you like it.

Comments and feedback would be great.