Status: One shot :D

I'm Not Wearing Any Underwear.


Garrett walked into Denny's, sniffing at the delicious smell of pancakes and cigerettes. A waitress motioned towards a booth, and he flashed a smile at her as he slid in, feeling self satisfied as her face turned red and she stuttered, "C-can I take your order?"

He waved his hand. "Not yet, sorry. I have a friend whose...late." She flushed again and meandered off, leaving Garrett to entertain himself. He toyed with the salt shaker, wondering why he always let Jayy yank him around on a chokecollar- both figuratively and literally.

After he had left him that night two weeks ago, sitting outside the bar, he had vowed to never let Jay talk him into something again. And here he was, and hour after he had gotten that jerks text.

The door jingled, signalling someone was entering the resturaunt. Garrett kept his head down, determined not to show how eager he was to see him. After a few minutes, he looked up again- no Jayy.

Garrett sighed, flipping out his cell phone. He debated whether he should just leave and show him up. After careful consideration, he pushed his hands against the table and stood, only to be pushed back into the seat. "What the fuck-" Sliding into the seat across from him was Jayy Von Monroe.

"Well?" Jayy asked. "Are we gonna order, or what?" On cue, the waitress hurried to their table, notepad out and at the ready. "I'll have the pancake stacker, with whipped cream and mable syrup. Make that two, right Gare-Bear?"Garret nodded, speachless. After the lady went to get their food, Jayy sat forward and took his hands in his own.

"Why haven't you called me lately? I thought you were sick or something."

Garrett licked his lips, feeling suddenly submissive. "I was...busy." Jayy tsked.

"Too busy for me?" Jayy twirled his fingers over Garretts palm. "I've missed you. Haven't you missed me? We should skip breakfast and go back to my hotel ro-"

"Jayy, I've been seeing someone." Jayy's perfect eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Oh really? Is he sexy? Maybe we could have a threesome." He said, grinning at Garrett.
" don't get it. I'm dating him. I can't see you anymore." He felt horrible, but he knew that he could never get what he wanted from Jayy- a loyal boyfriend. Jayy would always be the club boy, partying and fucking everyone in sight.

Jayy opened his mouth right as the waitress appeared again, setting down two steaming plates of pancakes. With them, she placed a can of whipped cream and a jar of syrup next to Jayy.

She smiled again, face bright pink as she left them to their food. Garrett toyed with his plate, not really hungry. He felt an alarm go off in his head- or in his pants- when Jayy got a mischeivous grin on his face.

"What?" He asked. Jayy shook his head, watching the waitress. When she walked into the back, he grabbed the whipped cream and before Garrett could do anything, he sprayed it on his face. "JA-" He yelled before Jayy's mouth closed onto his, licking away the cream with his tongue.

Garrett pulled back, surprised by his sudden lust attack. Jayy climbed onto the table, grabbing Garrett's hands and pinning them against the seat.

"Jayy, stop! This isn't the place to be doing this!" He ignored Garrett, continuing to lick his way up his neck. Garrett felt himself getting turned on, and mentally cursed Jayy for his seductive skills. Garrett winced as he bit his ear, dying of embarrassment but at the same time, not caring.

"Jayy!" He practically yelled as the waitress hurried over. She started yelling even as a a drip of blood ran out of her nose. Jayy wasted no time in grabbing Garrett by his shirt and pulling him into the restroom, slamming the stall closed as he ripped off Garrett's shirt.

As Jay bit his nipples, Garrett moaned loudly, grabbing Jayy's shoulders and digging his fingers into them. Garrett's foot accidentally pushed down on the toilet's lever, making it flush loudly.

"Fuck, Jayy, I can't.." His protests died in his throat as Jayy continued to lick off the whipped cream that was dripping off his face. With frantic fingers, Garrett grabbed Jayy's jeans and unzipped them, pushing them down past his thighs.

Jayy grinned and whispered into his ear, "I'm not wearing any underwear." Garrett swallowed, closing his eyes breifly before he gasped in ecstacy. Jayy's hands had found their desitination and were currently stroking him in a way that made him want to scream.

Suddenly the stall burst open and the mangager stood before them, face red. Garrett and Jayy looked at each other before laughing, slamming the door shut once more.
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Only a measly one shot, but I love it ;D
Comment for my amusement?