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Can You Feel The Love In Summer Time?

Hi, Chettertone

“Kassidee, we need to talk to you.” My dad’s deep calm voice ordered.

“Sure,” I said uninterested.

My parents sat down on the couch in front of me. They had a worried look on their faces.

I wonder what they’re going to say.

“Kassidee, your grandmother,” I let out a groan-- it’s not like I didn’t like my grandmother; I just knew what was going on to happen.-- which made my mom give me “The Look”, “called this morning, and she misses you. And, we decided that you’re going to spend the summer there.”

“No! Please, I don’t want to go.” I pleaded.

“Nope, that’s final. You are going.” My dad said sternly.

“I’m busy this summer.” I lied, hoping they’ll get off my back.

“Like what? Your friend’s are at camp. You have no boyfriend,” Ouch, that kind of hurt, “you don’t have a job. All you’re going to do is sit in front of the TV and eat chips.” My mom pointed out.

“I knew I should’ve gone to camp.” I muttered.

“What was that?” My mom asked with one eyebrow raised up.

“Nothing.” I said glumly.

“Now, go get your stuff ready.” My dad insisted.

I trudged upstairs to my bedroom. Once I got there, I fell onto my bed.

Seriously? Do I have to go there? It’s just a small town with small town people. I’ve always gone there for every summer up until I was thirteen. It wasn’t bad. My grandmother was nice and made great cookies. The people were friendly, and the houses weren’t so country-like. But, after awhile, it got suffocating. Seeing the same people over and over again wasn’t my style.

“I don’t hear packing!” my dad called from the other side of the door.

I sighed and started getting ready.

They weren’t really this bossy.


“Ha-ha! You’re leaving while I get to stay here!” My brother, Kenneth, teased and stuck out his tongue at me.

“Shut it, squirt.” I snapped and then turned to my mom, “Mom, why isn’t Kenneth going?”

“Because, next year, you’re going to college, so your Grans wants to see you one more time.” She explained.

“Okay, what does that have to do with Kenneth?” I asked.

“Remember? He has to go to summer school and help around the neighborhood.” Well, maybe, I have it better than him.

“Now, go before you miss your flight.” My mom said, giving me a slight push.

“Well, um, I guess, bye. I’ll see you in August.” I said with a small smile. I was going to miss them. I had no one to look forward, except my grandmother.

“Bye,” they all said together. My mom had tears in her eyes; my dad was giving a wave, and Kenneth was sticking his tongue out.

This is so not my version of summer.


Two hours later in a crowded airplane and next to a sweaty and stinky guy, I arrived in the town of Chettertone. The town didn’t really change a lot.

“Kassidee, oh dear, you’ve grown a lot! I remember when you still had braces and your cute little braids.” My grandmother cooed and pinched my cheeks.

“Uh, hi, Grans, I missed you too.” I said, grabbing my hurting cheeks.

“Come on in, dear. I made your favorite: double chocolate chip cookies.” Grans said, opening her door. Her house smelled like warm cookies and vanilla scented candles. Her dark red walls were filled with pictures of family and friends. The room had a bookcase, a loveseat, rocking chair, a coffee table, a TV, and more bookshelves. Yeah, my grandmother liked to read a lot.

“Kassi, I have to go meet up with some friends. You settle here; the cookies are out, and, if you want, go talk with some people. Maybe you have some old friends here.” She insisted. Psh, yeah right, they all hated me, because of my attitude.

“Okay, sure, see you later, grandma.”

I grabbed some cookies and went to my old bedroom; it was still the way I left it.

The bed was undone, magazines scattered around, 2 posters of my favorite Disney idols, and a few hair accessories.

That was so long ago.


Two hours later, I was settled in. My old girly room was turned into something better. I took down the Disney posters and put better ones: All Time Low, Metro Station, NeverShoutNever!, and The Maine. My bed sheets were from pink stars and hearts to dinosaurs. Awesome? Yes, very. I put a few pictures of myself and my friend’s. I had all my clothes put in the drawers and the closet. Lastly, I had my laptop on the desk.

It may have seemed like a lot, but I couldn’t have a plain room.

Tired, I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up an hour later, refreshed.

It was only four-thirty, so I decided to head outside.

I explored the town. Only a few people recognized me, but it was some of my grandma’s friends. Also, a few things changed in the town. They had redone and added some stores. But, one store really caught my attention.

It was called Shelly’s Diner. When I went inside, it was, like, The Waffle House and 50s put together. I thought that was really cool.

I sat down on stool while the waiter gave me a menu.

“Ben, dude, look at her,” Some guy, my age, said the guy next to him. I saw at the corner of my eye. They were obviously talking about me.

“What about her?” I overheard. They weren’t very far away, and quiet.

“Watch this,” He said and, then, walked over to me. I looked at him expectantly.

“Hello, there. Are you new here?” He asked, trying to be smooth. It really didn’t work.

“It’s not any of your business, is it?” I asked, looking for something on the menu.

“Ooh, I see someone who has an attitude.” He pointed out. He was starting to get on my nerves. “Look, let’s get together sometime, okay?”

Turning my full attention to him, I snapped, “How about you leave me alone before you get hurt okay?” I looked between him and his friend.

His friend… looked familiar.

“Whoa, I was just asking a question,” He went on. I ignored him though. I kept my gaze on his friend. I knew I had seen him somewhere before.

Then, it clicked.

“Benji, is that you?” I asked shocked.
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