Forever Now

Forever Now

“Come on, Vanessa,” Mikayla shouted as she pulled me by the arm. Everyone around as looked at us weirdly. “You’re making it way harder than it seems you know!”

“Shut up, Mikayla! Everyone thinks we’re crazy, stupid, weird aliens of some sort.” I replied. She looked at me strangely before laughing. “Mikayla, I’m your make-up artist. The reason being…I get nervous when working with other people.”

She grabbed my hands, “Vanessa, please! You’re never gotta succeed if you say with me. I’m just a model…and not even one of those famous models! I’m just a simple Hot Topic model, which is nothing compared to the success musicians have.”

“And because you’re holding my hands, people are going to think that I’m lesbian!”

Mikayla let go, “Oops, sorry!”

“Besides…you’re only trying to help me because you want to get rid of me…” I frowned.

“No! Vanessa you’re my best friend since we were little. You have helped me through a whole HELL and I just want to repay you.” Her eyes got watery.

“Aww, Mikayla, are you crying?” She hardly cries…well, she does cry but in front of NO ONE…unless you’re really close to her. She hid her face behind her hands.

“Shut up, Vanessa!” Her voice cracked. I hugged her and sighed. I can’t believe she can dominate me so easily.

“Fine, Mikayla, I’ll go…” She grinned, grabbed my hand, and guided me to the room.


“Vanessa, meet you new client, Bill Kaulitz!” Mikayla yelled and clapped.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. I slowly exhaled and closed my eyes. ‘Vanessa, he’s just like any normal, average guy, ok?’ I nodded.

“Umm, is your friend okay?” I heard his voice. I opened my eyes and blushed. He smiled.

Mikayla placed her hand on my forehead and then on hers. “Well, I think she is…I mean, she has no fever. Although…” I cutted her off by grabbing her arm and pulling her to a corner, out of Bill’s hearing rage.

“Why didn’t you tell me I was going to work for Bill Kaulitz?” I asked.

“Because you would have NEVER agreed,” Mikayla smiled.

“Well, I might have.”

“If you would or wouldn’t, it doesn’t matter! You’re his make-up artist now.”

*Bill’s Point of View*

“I leave her at your care.” Mikayla smiled.

“Okay…?” I replied.

“Oh and if I find out that Vanessa is depressed, or if she sheds one single tear, or even if there’s this little tiny hint of sadness in her voice, I will make you regret meeting Mikayla Williams.” She glared at me.

“Mikayla, don’t worry! I would never hurt her…” She looked at me suspiciously. “Or you or any other girl for that matter!”

She smiled again, “Bye Vanessa!”

“Bye Mikayla!” Vanessa waved.

“I’m watching you.” Was the last thing I heard from Mikayla before I closed the door.

I took a seat next to Vanessa and crossed my legs. “So, Vanessa, what’s up?”

“Nothing really…”

“You seem upset. Was it something I did?”

“No, no! It’s just…boyfriend issues…you know what? Just forget I said that!”

Ouch, that hurt! I don’t mean that she doesn’t trust me. It’s understandable. We just met. What hurt was the fact that she was taken. Hold on, was I falling for her a little too fast? I bit my lip.

“Try me.” I said.

*Vanessa’s Point of View*

I looked at him. Bill smiled. Should I? But we’ve just met! Oh well! “My boyfriend thinks I’m cheating on him and he wants me to prove that I love him by having…you know…it.” Silence. Why did I tell him?

“Well…according to some people,” Bill started saying, “guys who think their girlfriend is cheating on them with no reason are usually the ones doing the cheating. Do you know what I mean?”

I nodded. “Yes and do the some people happen to be just Mikayla?”

“Yea, she was reading this article called ‘10 Ways to Know Your Partner if Your Partner is Cheating on You’ or something along those lines.”

I giggled.

*Bill’s Point of View/One Month Later*

I simply can’t go to sleep! There’s just something about her that makes me feel so crazy. The way she talks her mind. The way she giggles, laughs, or smiles at the things I do or say. I smiled. It really is true.

When you find the girl of your dreams, it’s hard to go to sleep because she is in fact…reality.

*The Next Day/Vanessa’s Point of View*

“Tom, you jerk!” I yelled as he laughed.

“This is why you were a bathing suit near the pool.” Tom replied.

“Do you think I want to expose myself in front of you?” I splashed him with water.

“I, being gentleman, will help you get out. Come on.” He extended his hand. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in the pool, repaying him the favor.


“You guys are aware that we have a concert less than two hours, right?” Bill questioned. We both nodded. “Then, get out of the pool!”


I tied my hair up in a pony tail after changing into some dry clothes. I heard a knock on my door. “Come in!” The door slightly opened and a teddy bear head popped in. “Umm, who is it…?” I opened the door and saw Bill smiling holding a teddy bear in his arms.

“Happy one month anniversary!” He yelled. He placed the teddy bear in my arms and hugged me. Were we going out and I had absolutely no idea? I decided to ask him and he laughed. “No, silly! I meant ‘Happy one month anniversary’ as in you being my make-up artist for one month.”

“Ooh! Well, thank you! But if I had known we were celebrating, I would have gotten you something.”

“…You got me your friendship and that’s something that is really important and special to me.” Bill whispered in my ear. My heart skipped a beat and I felt like I was going to melt. He laughed. “Are you okay?”

“Better than ever! Umm, sit down and we’ll get started…on the make-up.” I smiled and placed the teddy bear on my bed.


“What do you think?” I looked at both of our reflections on the mirror.

“Wonderful and flawless as always, Vanessa.” Bill responded. He grabbed my hand, “Are you going to be here…after the concert?”

“Perhaps…perhaps not…why?”

“Because…I…just wanted to know…”

I smiled and he looked away. I know that he was hiding something but what exactly is this something?


I knocked at the door. No response. How strange? Chris, my boyfriend, was always home at this time. I turned the knob and the door swung open. I have got to seriously tell him that he should never leave the door unlocked!

I walked down hall and heard strange (if you know what I mean) noises. Curiosity kicked in and a decided to open the door just a little bit. There, I saw Chris on top of some random girl I never met. I gasped and a tear rolled down my cheek. I ran back down the hall to door.

“Vanessa, wait! I can explain! It’s not what it seems!” Chris yelled but I keep running. They’re all just excuses all guys use when their girl finds them with another girl…or sometimes even a guy.


All those “I love you's” were all lies! All guys are assholes! They’re all the same. When you think you’ve found the right one, they go and do something that hurts you so much! It’s truly unbelievable! I ripped the letters Chris wrote for me. I destroy every teddy bear he ever gave me. Pretty soon, I found my bedroom floor, including my bed, covered with the stuffing they carried inside of them. The only teddy bear that was left undamaged was the teddy bear Bill gave me.

I sat on the floor with my knees to my chest and my head resting on them for what seemed hours. I heard a knock. I opened my mouth but no words came out.

“Vanessa?” The door opened and Bill stepped in. “Vanessa, what happened?” I broke down in tears again. Bill came and kneeled in front of me.

“Bill, I’m so stupid. I’m so stupid!” I yelled as I hugged him. His arms wrapped around me.

“Vanessa, you’re not stupid…you’re wonderful.” Bill replied.

I shook my head, “No! No! Bill, I saw him with…with another girl. I was so stupid to love him. To believe all the lies he told me.” He grabbed my hands and pulled up with him. We stood in front of the mirror.

“Look at yourself, Vanessa. You’re destroying yourself over some guy who doesn’t deserve you. Don’t shed your tears for him.” I looked away. The tears in my eyes blurred my vision.
They made their way down my cheeks. Bill turned me around so I would face him. I looked into his eyes. “Vanessa, I find it hard to go to sleep because I know that reality is better than my dreams…just because you’re here! I can’t get you out of my head. You’re all I ever think about. When you smile, I smile. When we talk, I feel like it’s only us two in the whole world. When you’re sad or cry, I feel your sadness.” Bill hugged me again and sang in my ear. “Reset you eyes. Erase your mind. I will never let you down. Join me forever now…”

He looked into my eyes before he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I never felt so alive before. I kissed him back. A single tear felt down my cheek. Bill pulled away, “All I want is for you to be happy and for you to be mine…forever.”

I smiled, “Then, from now on, I’ll be happy and yours…forever!” I entwined my fingers with his. Bill grinned and kissed me again. For the first time, I felt alive…


©Forever Now

Inspired by the song: “Forever Now” by Tokio Hotel