Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

The Passage of Time

Its been 10 years. Ten years since I became a werewolf, 10 years since my father died, 10 years since Bella turned into a vampire and ten years since Renesmee was born.

I'm 30 years old and I haven't changed at all in the last decade. I'm supposed to start showing wrinkles and little specs of gray hair. When I was little I dreamed that I would marry in my 20's and have many beautiful children but that isn't possible. I'm stuck in my body, never growing old, but that is not ruled-out yet, with a lot of practice, if a stop changing into a werewolf for a long period of time my body will restart where it left off and I will be able to continue with a "normal" life.

I'm still part of Jacob's pack but I'm currently living in sunny California. Last time I saw Sam was at his wedding, it broke my heart but he looked so happy that I'm happy for him.

Last time I saw Jacob was a year ago on his and Nessi's wedding. I've grown fond of that half-breed, since she makes Jacob so happy I also become happy when we are both on our wolf forms. I still hate blood sucking leeches but I let that animosity rule-out the Cullens, I don't hate them but I don't love them. Although when I do smell a leach close by I kill it.

I remember Jacob's wedding with perfect clarity. Like Sam on his wedding; Jake was glowing, beaming, radiant, anything you can think of; there aren't words strong enough to describe the kind of happiness that rolled out of him in almost tangible waves. Nessi looks a lot like her mother when she was still human although she has her father's hair. She also looked pretty on the wedding day, she was wearing the same dress Bella used at her wedding. And guess where they got married, in la Push! They only invited people who new the secret because it was sunny that day. It still creeps me out how does leeches sparkle in the sunlight. Well, they got married and went off to their honeymoon on some island near Brazil. They got married in Forks but they had moved, they are currently living in Alaska with the other Cullens, I can stand cold but I wouldn't live there in a million years.
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I'm passing this from my quizilla account... Subscribe and comment? I'd love some feedback! :)

To new readers: I love you all for clicking my story. I'm 15 so Leah might seem a little peppy and imature 'cause I'm half her age. Also my personality might have leaked a bit into the character.