Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

French Poodle

I put the razor, sedatives, a blanket, 2 bows, a mirror and camera in a bag. I go out of the motel and transform into a wolf.. I already talked to Jake and Sam so Keith was awake all night on patrol.

In my wolf form I'm greeted by Jake's mental voice and he tells me where Keith fell asleep in the forest.
"Leah, tell us when you are done" Jake tells me with a mental smirk.

After 5 minutes I find Keith. I transform to my normal self again and take out the sedatives and inject him with them, these babies will keep him deeply asleep for about 1 hour. I take out my new camera, set it to record and place it in a place where the whole process will be recorded.
I take out the razor and start shaving him.

30 minutes later...

I'm finally done shaving him, God, he had a lot of hair. I covered him with the blanket so the others won't see him when they arrive.

I transform into a wolf and mentally call Jake and the others. After 20 minutes everybody is there and I uncover him. Everybody starts laughing like maniacs and Keith finally wakes up startled and stands up. With the better view some fall down and start rolling with laughter, others brought cameras and start taking pictures (the ones with cameras were in their human forms).

I shaved him like a french poodle, put 1 bow on his tail and another on his ear. He looks ridiculous. Better yet is his moronic wolf face that clearly shows that he has no idea as to what the hell is happening.

He looks down and sees some of his hair in the floor and I show him his reflection on the mirror. His face turns into one of pure hatred and rage. I turn into a wolf and start running like the devil was at my heals; good thing I'm faster than him 'cause I would've been in some serious trouble if he caught me. Jake will take my camera and protect it from him until I can retrieve it.