Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints


Kyle's P.O.V.

I've been in this stupid forest over a week now. I'm lost, have enough food and water for two more weeks but if I don't leave by then I don't know what I'll do. I'll die of hunger maybe forever forgotten. I currently live in California but I decided to go hiking and haven't found my way back.

Suddenly I heard a yelp of pain ring across the trees. I went towards the sound, a few minutes later I heard a long howl of agony, it chilled me to the bone, what kind of animal could make such a lound horrendous sound? It had to be very big or there was just a lot of echo.

As I drew in closer to the sound I heard growling, I hid behind a bush and looked around.
It was a large clearing in the woods but what was causing the sound stunned me, there were two humongous wolves, the small one could easily pass a normal wolf but the big one was as tall as a horse!
What shocked me even more was that the big one was shaved like a french poodle and had one bow in its tail and another in its ear, I bit my tounge to hold back laughter. It looked ridiculous, but what I wondered was who could have done that? Who could have gotten so close to the wolf to shave him in such mannor?
What really caught my attention was that each time they bit each other they drew blood but a few minutes later the wounds were healed! These weren't normal wolves that much I was sure of.
Now they were circling each other and snapping. The smalll wolf, the female, suddenly took ahold of the male's tail and broke the bone in it, i cringed at the sound and the wolf fell down. The female took the oportunity and jumped on top of him and bit him in the nape of his neck (where wolf mothers hold the cub). This strange action surprised me, I have seen wolves fighting before but never like this. After a few minutes of trying to throw her off the wolf plopped down into the ground defeated.

I accidentaly stepped on a twig just then and the wolves looked at me, they studied me for a second and started growling and prowling me. I held my ground because I saw a strange twinkle in their eyes, a reflection of inteligence, these weren't normal wolves and I somehow knew they wouldn't hurt me. They drew in closer and smelled me, the female made a face of disgust, I must really stink. But there was something about her that drew me in, an unexplainable force that wanted me to tuch her but I held back.
After growling some more they slowly retreated when they turned around I followed them and saw them start running at a speed nearly invisible to my eyes.

To bad I didn't have a camera, nobody will believe me if I tell them what I saw. They'll call me crazy and put me in a mental hospital. I went back to my tent and fell asleep.
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New character!! :)