Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints


"So Seth, how has it been going in your life?"
"Same old same'o" he replied.
"And how is Maya?"

Seth actually imprinted on a cute 16 year old.
"She's fine" he said. But I could feel his embarrassment he was thinking about their last encounter, 5 minutes ago, and how much he loved her and wished she was at least legal age to get married. Apparently she loves to see him in his wolf form and he was embarrassed of me knowing her pet-name for him 'Puppy'. I laughed very loud at this discovery.

"Leah... please... stop..." he was so embarrassed he could barely think the words. I just kept on laughing but less loudly.
"K 'Puppy' dear" I said and started laughing uncontrollably again.
"Well Leah you are such a pest sometimes. Bye." With that he wasn't in my mind anymore so I guess he changed back to his human form.

I groaned, it wasn't very dark yet but I had work tomorrow. I only work because I like to buy things to pamper myself 'cause I already paid my house and car and food I can get by hunting although I still don't like that much.

I got close to my house and transformed. Its very neat, my house is right at the edge of the forest and the next neighbor is about a mile away. I smiled to myself and got in the pool; again, its sunny California and its freaking hot and humid in April. I love to swim it relaxes me more than the yoga classes I took to learn to control my anger. I'm completely in control on my emotions, I no longer worry about loosing my temper and transforming.

No unaware human knows where my house is, I didn't want to move so I never showed any of my boyfriends my house. The only people who've been here beside me are my family and sometimes a member of the pack, they come here as a beach house but I don't mind, I love them all. In fact next week I'm hosting a party here, the two packs are going to be here plus Nessy and maybe some of the Cullens and also the objects of their imprintings. So there will be more than 50 people in my house that I love and haven't seen in a while, I thought happily but most of them are werewolfs and they eat a lot. Damn, I'm going to have to buy more food, I already bought enough to feed a small army but they ARE staying for the whole weekend. I'm dreading the massive clean-up that will come afterwards but no matter, if I have to I'll MAKE them clean up their mess.
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