Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

Introducing: Kyle Wolf! :P

“Guys, this is Kyle; Kyle these are Jacob and his wife Renesmee.” Kyle and Jake shook hands.
“Nessy, Kyle and I have been traveling all day, can we stay here for a few days?”
“Sure, no prob. I’ll show you to your rooms.” She led Kyle into a room and me into another. She closed my door and sat on my bed.
“Spill.” She ordered.
“Jacob, takeoff the muting on the TV!” He didn’t turn on the volume again.
“Jacob,” Nessy said calmly, “if you don’t turn on the volume right now I’m not going to sleep in the same house as you for a decade.” He turned the volume to the max.
“Your husband is just a big gossip you know that.”
“Sure he is. Now tell me who is he? How and when did you meet him?” She said eagerly.
“Well, his name is Kyle Wolf and I imprinted on him. He was the hiker that saw the fight between Keith and I.” We continued talking about him for the rest of the night like two teenage girlfriends. She is my friend. She finally left my room at 2 am. I never disliked her, just her parents’ kind; being in love has drastically changed my personality and way of thinking. I finally fell asleep exhausted.


Nessy and I cooked breakfast. Jacob, being Jacob swallowed most of it in a few minutes. I hadn’t had a chance to talk with Kyle but Jake and Nessy are going with us to introduce Kyle to the people.

First we stopped at my mom’s house. She is living there with Charlie.
“Hello Leah.” Charlie answered the door. Kyle stiffened a little as he noticed Charlie’s appearance and golden yellow eyes.
“Hey Charlie, is my mom home? Oh, I almost forgot, this is Kyle.” Charlie shook Kyle’s hand who in turn shivered a little.
“Sue is in the kitchen.” We stepped in and headed to the kitchen, my mom was cleaning.
“Leah, what a nice surprise.” She said kindly while drying the sweat on her forehead.
“Mom, this is Kyle, my boyfriend.”
“Nice to meet you Kyle.”

Kyle, Jake and Charlie went to the living room to watch a sports game.

“Kyle seems like a very nice young man Leah. I’m happy for you.” My mom said after I told her that I imprinted on him. Nessy was sitting with us looking a bit absentminded.
“Thanks mom. Nessy, lets go to.”
“Ok hon. Bye Sue, see you later.”
“Bye mom, see you at your wedding.” I said while hugging her.

I presented Kyle to Billy and the rest of the pack members. Most of them couldn’t believe it.

“We always thought you’d end up single, fat and with a hundred cats.” Keith said when I told him, I punched him in the jaw then broke his nose.
Emily was thrilled I had imprinted. Sam was too; glad I had finally gotten over him.

We stayed at Nessy’s house for 3 days and then headed back to California.