Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

Home, stinky home?

As I opened the door to my house the stench hit me like a punch in the nose. A filthy leech had been in my house. I went into the living room and saw a message in the window: “I will get my revenge sooner than you think.” She scratched the message in the glass probably using her fingernails. I knew it was a she since I killed a male vampire it’s probably his mate. Her scent was less than a day old.

“Oh crap.” I said.
“What happened here?”
“Kyle, most vampires have mates and the mate of the one I killed wants revenge.” I rushed a bit panicked.

I can’t leave Kyle alone to go look for her because she might come back and kill him without me being here.

“I’ll be right back.” I went outside and transformed into a wolf, thankfully Jake was in his wolf form hunting with Nessy.

“Jake, the mate of the leech I killed wants revenge and I’m afraid she’ll kill Kyle if I go away to look for her.”
“Leah, calm down.” Jake said. “Go to a hotel and I’ll send Keith to be Kyle’s babysitter.”
“Why him?” I groaned.
“Because I said so.” Jake said with authority.
“Fine.” I huffed.

I transformed back, put on my clothes and went inside.

“We are going to a hotel.” Kyle nodded and got in the car.


Keith’s P.O.V.

I’m on my way to Leah’s house. I can’t believe Jacob is making me run all the way to California to babysit Leah’s boyfriend. Well at least I was smart enough to bring the video of her dancing to “She-wolf”. I’ll show the video to Mr. Pretty-boy as payback for my broken nose.

Read Author's Note Please
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In Twilight the movie: Edward sucked the venom out of Bella, Carlisle said "Stop Edward, you are killing her." Then in the hospital Renee told Bella she had like 3 transfusions. If Edward drank so much blood, WHY WERE HIS EYES YELLOW AND NOT RED??!!??

If you know the answer please enlighten me.

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