Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

The Nightmare Just Wont End!

“I can see what you are seeing and I’m glad to tell you that I’m still warming up!” The leech screeched.

Seth came into view, smiling as he saw me; Kyle jumped on his back, grabbed his head and twisted it until it snapped.

“Nooooo!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs crying. “Please stop. Please no more!”
“Giving up already? Too bad ‘cause I’m enjoying this.” I could hear her smirk.

One by one all my loved ones came into view and Kyle killed them mercilessly. Their unmoving bodies surrounded me. Kyle just stood there smiling with blood on his lips.

I grabbed my head in my hands and started rocking my body back and forth. This can’t be happening, how could Kyle do that? I asked myself, no longer aware that it was all an illusion.
I wanted to escape this torture. To options popped into my mind, suicide or transform into a wolf and run as far away as possible. My pride kept me from the first option; I would at least have my revenge. It took all my strength to concentrate but I was finally able to transform.

As soon as I transformed I was scared as hell, I started hearing the voices of my fellow pack members; this shocked me greatly as I was seeing their mangled bodies in front of me.
“Leah, Leah, Leah.” I heard my name spoken by different voices. I felt their stomachs twist as they took in what I was seeing.
“Leah, that is all an illusion snap out of it.” I distinguished Jake’s voice. My mind was to numb to respond; I could only see the gruesome image.
Gradually my mind became clearer and I started separating the unreal from reality.

The image became fuzzy and clouded until it was gone completely. The leech was nowhere to be seen.

In the dirt in front of me a message was written: “I looked through your all your fears and I know where Kyle is.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Will Leah get there in time?

OMG, new background! :D I love it sooo much!

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