Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints


Keith’s P.O.V.

I arrived at the hotel and went to Mr. Pretty-boy’s room; he opened the door.

“Do you want to see something funny?” I asked.
“Sure.” He replied. I took out the camera and showed him the video. He laughed a little and asked: “Do you have any more copies?”
“No, this is the original. But I can make you a copy.” He took my camera and the motha f***** erased my video!
“Why the f*** did you do that.”
“I love the girl on that video and I wont let you use it against her.” He said with so much fervor that I didn’t reply back. I went to another room and started watching TV.


I was shaken awake. I jumped.
“What the f***?!” I yelled at Kyle.
“Dude, it has been over an hour and Leah isn’t back yet.”
“She must be having fun destroying the filthy bloodsucker.” I replied sitting down and trying to go back to sleep.
“I don’t give. I have a bad feeling. She told me you guys can communicate mentally when you are in your wolf forms; so get your lazy ass up, transform and tell me what’s going on.” He exclaimed. God, this dude is a pest.
“Fine. If that is the only way to get you off my back.” I went outside followed by Kyle. I took off my clothes and transformed.
A gruesome site greeted me; I was seeing what Leah was seeing. Kyle was there with red eyes and blood on his lips he was surrounded by mangled bodies. I saw their faces, my stomach twisted and I gagged.
“Leah, Leah, Leah.” I heard the others calling her.
“Leah, that is all an illusion snap out of it.” Jake said.

The image became fuzzy and clouded until it was gone completely. The leech was nowhere to be seen.

In the dirt in front of her a message was written: “I looked through your all your fears and I know where Kyle is.”

Oh crap I thought. I transformed and put my clothes on.
“Kyle, we gotta go man.”
“Why? Where is Leah?”
“Calm down dude. She’s fine but the leech is coming here.”

We got in the car and sped away to La Push.
♠ ♠ ♠
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