Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

The Big Day

November 14, my wedding day. I was nervously waiting for my cue in a tent, I couldn't see anything from there and I was getting a bit claustrophobic. I looked down at my dress, it was white with shades of ocean blue and mustard yellow, like somebody had airbrushed it very delicately, it was strapless and flowed down my body like water. I had a bouquet of white flowers in my hand held by blue and yellow ribbons, it matched my dress perfectly. My hair was held up in a casual yet elegant mannor and was decorated with tiny white flowers. I had pink pearl earrings and my necklace was a small oyster that held a tiny pink pearl.

I heard the Wedding March and waited for my cue, I started walking slowly down the isle. There, at the end of it was Kyle who looked amazing in his tux.

It was a beach wedding, in the beautiful beach I discovered. It was held in a tent, no walls a a white cloth as the ceiling. I noticed that there were many flowers, all white hanging in garlands from the tent borders. White roses, tulips and many flowers I can't name. There were also shells in every color. I could barely concentrate on my surroundings as I reached the altar, behind it was an arch, it was white, covered completely in green vines and white flowers dotted the vines. The priest started the ceremony.

..."Do you Kyle Wolf take Leah Clearwater as your lovely wedded wife in sickness or in health, in poorness or in richness till death makes you part?"
"I do." Kyle said looking intently at me.
"And do you Leah Clearwater take Kyle Wolf as your husband in sickness or in health, in poorness or in richness till death makes you part?"
"I do." I said. We exchanged rings.
..."You may now kiss your bride." The priest said. Kyle kissed me and the guests erupted in applause.


The reception went smoothly at my house.
I threw the bouquet and Maya caught it she looked at Seth and blushed a deep shade of red. Kyle and I left to go to the airport.

We arrived at Cancun, Mexico late at night. We checked into the hotel and went to our suite. He took my hand and we went to the room, neither leading, neither following.
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Ok, sorry it took so long but it was hard to write when I saw that 2 people had unsuscribed and I'de lost one star.

I loved writing this chapter. Please comment and subscribe.