Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints


I wake up with the sun hitting my eyes. I look at my watch, oh crap, its 6 am. Last thing I remember was reading on the pool chairs, this chairs are uncomfortable to sleep in. I get up and go into the house. I call Emily.

"Hello?" asks a groggy voice.
"Hey Em, its me"
"Oh hi Leah."
"Listen I forgot to tell you. Tell everyone to bring either sleeping bags, air mattresses or a camping tent; I only have 3 guest bedrooms."
"K, I'll tell them"
"Thanks Em. And one more thing."
"Can you please come earlier and help me with the cooking and everything else?"
"Sure no problem." She hung up.

This I knew, some were coming in their wolf forms and the ones that have families are coming in cars. Billy is staying because he has a girlfriend who is unaware; I don't know if my mom is coming. I'm pretty sure the Cullens are coming though, they spend so much time with Jacob and his pack that we don't mind having them around at all.


Now I finished cleaning up. Its 11:45 and I hear a knock in the door. I open it and Emily comes in hugging me.

"Leah!" She squeaks. We let go and she starts looking around, she hasn't come to visit in almost 2 years. A frown comes to her face.
"Where are the things used to cover the unused electricity plugs?" She asks with a stern voice.
"Damm, I forgot. Lets go to the store and buy some."
"Fine." She huffs.
"BTW, where are Sam and your kids?" I asked noticing for the first time that they weren't here.
"I left on my car a few minutes after you called. I told Sam to bring the kids on his car later. I called him an hour ago to see where he was, he'll be here in about an hour and a half. K, lets go."

We went to the store and bought the plug protectors and returned home. We started cooking.


Its 2 pm and some of guests have arrived. Sam was the first with his kids, later Paul and Rachel with their kids.

There is a knock in the door and I open it. Jake comes in gives me a hug, he is followed by Nessy, Bella and Edward, Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, Carlisle and Esme, Charlie and my mom. I only hug Nessy and my mom 'cause I might not hate the leeches but I still don't like to hug them.

"Hi sweetie." My mom says tenderly while embracing me in a hug. I smile widely.
"Hey mom. I didn't know you were coming."
"It was kind of last minute."
"Well come in, can you help us with the cooking?"
"Sure no problem."

We both head into the kitchen.
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