Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

To the Beach

Its 3 pm and I open the door, Seth is standing there with a very pretty girl.

"Oh, hi Puppy dear!" I scream laughing. A blush is noticeable in Seth's russet cheeks, I look at Maya, she is white and her face is scarlet red with embarrassment. I start laughing uncontrollably at the look on their faces, I fall to the floor and start rolling and shaking with the laughter. Everybody else starts laughing also. After a few minutes I stand up and wipe off the laughter tears.

"So this must be Maya"
"Yep, Maya, this is my annoying sister Leah."
"Hi Leah." She says in a low voice, her cheeks are still pink. "Pleased to meet you."
I laugh again and hug her. "Come in and make yourselves at home."

I take their bags and put them in one of the guest rooms. Its nearly filled with everybody's possessions. I go back into the kitchen laughing internally to myself, I'll never let this go! I chuckle silently, with all the super hearing everyone looks at me like if I'm crazy, only Edward knows what I'm thinking about and he laughs a little. In the kitchen are all the women including Bella, Esme and Alice; Rosalie is a to sucked-up leech who thinks the world revolves around her.


After a few hours we finish cooking today's lunch and all the guests have arrived. We start serving and people come into the kitchen, get their plates and head out again. I get my plate and go to eat but the leeches stay in the kitchen because there is another line forming for second servings, I've known this for 10 years but it still amazes me the black-hole capacity of these idiots' stomachs. I'm the only werewolf who doesn't eat like if it was my last meal. So eating takes about 1 hour.

"Now everybody put on their bathing suits!" I yell. "The beach I'm taking you is only for us but I don't want to see anybody skinny-dipping!" Some people laugh at my remark but I heard a few groans.

Everybody has their bathing suits on and we are at the edge of the forest.

"O.K. if anybody wants to stay in the pool they are welcome. All the werewolves go into the forest and transform and come out again cause you are going to bee pack mules." I said this last sentence snickering. The only way to get to this beach was through a mile of forest, there wasn't any roads 'cause it was surrounded by mountains.
One minute later the wolves come out of the forest. I laughed to myself, went into the house and got some horse saddles I had modified to fit our wolf bodies.

When I came out with the saddles the look on their faces was priceless. The children laughed delighted. The rest of us saddled them and put the bags on them. The humans mounted them and I went into the forest and transformed. I howled and started running, they followed me. Mom was on Charlie's arms, ugh I could never be that close to those leeches.

"Leah" Jake's alpha voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Sorry Jake, right not talking bad about the leeches." I thought back at him.
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