Status: currently on hold

Leah Imprints

Ideas, IDEAS of a prank

Leah's P.O.V.

I woke up well rested with a great idea, or prank. I looked at my watch, 6:30 am, breaking dawn. I looked around, most of the people were still sleeping and the only leech I could smell close by was Charlie.

I walked over to Emily's sleeping bag, shook her lightly and whispered quietly:

"Hey hun, you awake?"

"No." She replied in a sleepy voice. Her eyes were still closed but I knew she was awake so I quickly whispered my master plan. She started laughing but I covered her mouth fast; she calmed down but was still giggling.

"I'm gonna be gone for a while, can you start the fire and getting breakfast ready in the meantime?"

"Sure thing Lil." She answered with a smile.


I transformed and started running towards my house. I'll need my camera so I can later use the pictures as blackmail if I need to. I entered my house, got the camera, car keys and a pouch so I could carry everything in my mouth to take it to the beach.

I was I was going out the door when I almost bumped into Bella .

"Edward told me what you were planing, so here." She three me some car keys and I caught them. "I know your Audi is pretty fast but Edward's Austin Martin is faster. All of us want to laugh at this."

I was dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say. Jacob got a Mazda but he is always saying what a great car it is and has been driving it with Nessy since she was born, I never thought I would get to drive this car, the same one that Jake covets so much.

I contemplated the car, it was black with a sleek line, so freaking awesome. I got in, the leeches' smell was horrible but Jake's and Nessy's scent disguised it. I turned the key, the motor barely made a sound. It had black leather interior and even though its over a decade old, it still smelled new and was in market shape. I pressed the accelerator, it hit top speed in no time. I love speed. I really like the powerful feel of this car. I passed the store but decided that at this pace I could go to hollywood and back in record time.
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