Status: One-shot; completed.

The Roof

On Top of The World


I didn't turn around. I knew what I would see. The fear, the concern, the worry... I didn't want to deal with any of it.

I chugged from my flask, it's juices burning my throat.

"Come on, babe. Don't do this."

Standing on the roof of a twenty-three story building, I could see all of New York, even with my hazy vision.

"Come on, get down! You're drunk."

I laughed, which made me stumble. Some pebbles on the ledge got kicked off and fell down to the street, so far below. "What do you think I'm gonna do? Jump?", I said. I could feel the damp thickness of my tongue. It was so tired. The words were slurred, jumbled, my tongue too weak to produce them properly.

"Just, please. Get down."

I raised my arms and pretended like the ledge was a tightrope as I walked forward.


The scream made me lose my balance. The bottle slipped from my hand and smashed under the ledge, spilling its bitter contents. "SHIT!", I yelled and groaned. "Look what you made me do."

I looked up to the night sky and let my arms fall by my sides. God, I loved it.

"Please, come here."

I finally turned to face him. "Why the fuck should I?", I slurred.

"Because! Just please, for me."

I stumbled forward on the ledge. "No, no, no, no.", I whispered, shaking my head.

He took a step forward. I raised my arm and pointed at him. "Don't!"

He stood still. I could see the pain in his face. The praying hidden behind his lips. The pleading in his eyes. My stomach turned over. I felt so sick. I felt my face fall.

I stumbled off forward, into him, and buried my head in his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...", I cried, my tears soaking his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Let's go home," he whispered.