The Mask that I wear

The Bond

It had been two days since Gerard had made progress with food so far he had managed
to keep most of his food down but he was still vomiting upon occasion Evee and Rinni had
been working over time to make sure he got all three meals a day instead of leaving it to
the night nurses but tonight was a night Evee didn't work it was Rinni's turn to feed him and
she was getting ready for a date with Hari. She was meeting him at a dance club, a fancy
one so she had been getting ready for about an hour instead of her usual five minute outfit
and makeup session before work. She had bought a new dress just for the occasion
because Hari said he had something to talk to her about and well she thought he was
going to propose, How mistaken she was
"Hi Hari!" she said smiling wearing a black and red dress (if you've seen Helena you know what it looks like)
"Hey" he said looking a little nervous "why don't you sit down" he added pointing to a table where a man with short black hair sat
"Hello" Evee said "Are you a friend of Hari's?"
"Uh well I guess you could say that" he said
"Uh Evee, this is what I wanted to talk to you about." Hari said looking like he was going to
vomit "You know how I'm a bisexual? Well this is my boyfriend Richy. I guess you know what
is coming next" he said looking at her
"you....your breaking up with me?" Evee said tears forming in her eyes "oh well that's okay I...I gotta go its my night to feed Gerard and he's probably hungry by now" she said shaky
She walked into Gerard's room sobbing. He and Rinni were there having dinner. they looked over at her and saw her crying.
"Evee! What's wrong?" Rinni asked surprised to see her friend crying
"Yeah what's up you never cry or anything!" Gerard said scared that someone had died
"H....Hari Bbbb....broke up with me for some guy!" She started to cry even harder
"Hey If he gave up a nice girl like you then he isn't the right guy for you" Gerard said
looking at her in a different perspective ' dang I think we are bonding kinda weird but
whatever works' He got up out of his bead the first time since he had been admitted to the
hospital, walked over to her shaking form sitting on the chair and gave her a hug
"y....You need to get back into bed." She said still shaky but a lot calmer "Thank you." she
said smiling at Gerard "how about I go get a movie and call Frank Mikey Ray and Bob?" she
said regaining her spunk
"N.....No scary Movies?" Gerard said starting to shake like a leaf
"Okay no scary movies" she said smiling at him
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay for the most part this was written by MY_cem_Princess_89 but the part with Hari was written by the Sake sucker if you dont know who that is check my prevouse authou's notes as alwayse COMMENT! I really like queenofthedamned's comments why cant the rest of you be kind and freekin comment theirs a button at the top of the page that says comment PUSH IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh sorry if its shorter than usual in a hurry