The Mask that I wear

kickball and evil notebooks what will they think o

The next day Gerard was sitting in bed daydreaming when Evee and Rinni came to give him
his lunch. Evee was carrying a movie with her.
“Hey Gee lets watch a new movie wile you eat today and if you're a good boy and eat all
your carrots you can go outside and play today doesn't that sound like fun?” Evee said as if
talking to an eight year old
“Okay sure but what movie and am I aloud to get out of bed? And don't talk to me like an
eight year old Evee!” Gerard asked a little confused. The only time he had been out of bed
since he had come to the hospital was when he went to hug Evee and he went right back
after that.
“We are watching a new anime that I got and yeah you do need to burn the spare calories
that you gain or you'll be in here again for morbid obesity!” Evee said smiling at him
“ARE YOU SAYING IM FAT!!!!!!?” Gerard yelled
“No! It was people calling you fat that got you into this but we can't let you gain extra weight!
We are just trying to get you to the weight you were before this condition came about!” Rinni
said scared that they had offended him
“I'm just playing Rinni!” Gerard said scared that he was going to make Rinni cry
“Okay look lets eat, watch the movie and go to play okay??” Evee said
‘She is always the strong one’ Rinni thought to herself ‘I wish she could find someone to be with’
“Okay here we go!” Evee said popping in the movie and hitting play and sitting down on
one side of Gerard holding the bucket just in case
Rinni sat down on the other side of Gerard and started feeding him his carrots. As they
watched the movie Gerard became more and more terrified of the anime
" Its called Death Note. Why what's wrong??" Evee asked worried that he was going to vomit
"Why does he keep writing the names down if he knows it kills the people!?" He asked
turning white as chalk
" He wants to rule the new world he is creating. A world where no crime exists wouldn't
that be nice" Evee said sighing
" Yeah great if you feel like killing half the worlds population!" Gerard said looking at Evee like she was insane
"Oh it will repopulate in no time. People keep having kids like no tomorrow." Evee replied
like she actually thought killing millions was a good idea
Gerard stared at her for the longest time not wanting carrots just staring and wondering if
she was teasing him or if she was serious then Evee looked at him. He gave her a
confused look. She cocked her head in confusion
"What's up?" She asked
"Were you being serious?" Gerard asked
"Of course not! Don't be stupid!" She said starting to laugh
After Gerard was finished with his food Frank, Ray, Bob and, Mikey came to play. They
split up into two teams Frank, Ray and, and Mikey on one team. Evee, Rinni and, Gerard on
the other. They played kick ball for nearly four hours (Bob kept score Cuz of his foot) when
Evee said " I hate to be the fun sucker but Gerard needs to get back upstairs to bed its
nearly seven o'clock
Ray, Mikey and, Bob went home. Frank Evee Rinni and, Gerard went upstairs so they
could have some supper. Frank said he would go to the cafeteria and get the three that
could eat solid food something to eat while the girls fed Gee some fruit.
"Your doing a lot better Gerard." Evee said as she held the bucket for him because he
having troubles keeping something so sweet down easily
"Yeah! Way better than when we first met you!" Rinni added rubbing his back for him
" T....Thank....You." Gerard said shaky but grateful for the support of the two girls that
were becoming more like family, more like sisters than ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay yeah I know Really sappy right but hey on the brighter side at least I updated and dattebayo we need to talk at lunch tommorrow cuz I cant rember what chapter im supposed to write next HELLO WORLD I AM THE SAKE SUCKER MY_CHEM_PRINCESS_89'S BF and queen of the damned thank you for the support as ever COMMENT OR I WILL SICK MY FOUST ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (watch shaman king )