The Mask that I wear

The amazing fearless nurses -_-

“Gerard! Wake up its time to eat.” Evee chimed

“Ugh. Evee it’s too early!” Gerard wined as he rose

“What do you mean too early it’s almost noon!” Evee retorted “We overslept thanks to You and your stupid shower fear!”

“I’m sorry! But I was ascared!” Gerard said slapping on the cute puppy face that made Evee so very mad at him

“I am going to go change and Rinni will be in to give you your food in a bit!” she said walking out in a huff.

Rinni came in as promised wearing a black t-shirt that said Gerard and Frank Love for ever on it and a black pleated skirt with a pair of ninja shoes. Carrying what she knew was Gee’s favorite, vanilla yogurt. She sat beside him and spoon fed him until he said he was full. Evee came in not too long after they were done wearing a pink shirt with a black kitten on it that said purrrrrrrfect. She to, was wearing a black pleated skirt and pair of ninja shoes.

“Finished?” She asked

“Just got done.” Rinni said throwing away the empty jar of yogurt.

“Sweet! Were here for movie day!” Frank said walking in and holding up a newly rented movie

“What is it?” Gerard said scared again of the shower

“It’s called Saw II.” Frank answered

“Um Okay that sounds cool.” Gerard Said uncertainly

They watched the movie and Gerard looked as though he was going to be sick so Evee got the bucket while the man was sawing off his leg and held it for him. But, when they got to the part where they had to find something in a vat of needles all three screamed. Evee fainted Gerard was covering his eyes in a desperate attempt to hide and Rinni had fallen onto the floor and curled up into a fetal position. Frankie and Bob were laughing as Evee lay eagle sprawled on the floor and Gerard sat shaking like a leaf in bed and Ray laughed so hard at Rinni he fell on the floor.
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I know I know short but I kinda wrote it during study hall and the library lady was comming and i got ascared *shiver* ** needs a hug** HEY COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he he * am trying to be annoying so you'll comment