The Mask that I wear

Gerards very short nightmare and trying more food.

"No, no needles...get me out of!" Gerard moaned in his sleep.

Rinni walked in and saw Gerard thrasing in his sleep.

"Gerard," Rinni whispered. "Time to get up."

"Uh, why? I was sleeping so peacefully."

"No, actually you were moaning about needles..." Rinni said dryly.

"I've got something for you."


"Open up and you'll find out."

Gerard obeyed and opened his mouth.

Rinni put the "surprise" in Gerard's mouth. Gerard swallowed it and then started gagging.

Rinni grabbed the bucket in the mick of time. Gerard threw up right in the bucket with perfect aim.

"S...sorry..." He gasped.

Rinni smiled at hime. "It's ok."

"But really what in God's name DID you feed me?"

Rinni smiled evily.

"It was, old sour yougurt, I forgot to clean my fridge last night."

That sentence made Gerard feel even sicker and he threw up again. Frank walked in just in time to see Gerard puke up the yogurt.

"Gee, are you ok?"

"Do I look ok to you?" Gerard gasped out before he threw up for a third time that morning.

"I take that as a no."

Gerard back onto the covers with the bucket still on his lap.
He vomited again before falling asleep.

Frank watched as Gerard slept.

Will he ever get over over this, we need him to come back... Frank thought.

Frank kissed Gerard's hand and walked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thre you go people!! Little Ferard thrown in!!