The Mask that I wear

Deadly Overdose

The night nurses were devising a plan. They were going to get rid of Gerard, they wanted Rinni and Evee to get fired.

One of the nurses hated Rinni, she thought Rinni was so perfect...she was always happy and smiling.The othre hated Evee, they thought se was a total jerk-off. The first night nurse snuck into Gerard's room and put a blood thiner in his much blood thinner that Gerard would end up fighting for his life.....

*The Next Day*

"Gerard?" Rinni asked.

No responce.

"Gerard?" She said louder.

No responce.


"Gerard's not waking up!"


Rinni and Evee checked his vitals. His heart was barely beating, he was breathing raspily.

Rinni called for a doctor.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I...I don't know, I came here this morning...and he was like this!"


They shocked Gerard's heart.

No responce.

"Charging at 200 watts!"


No response.

Frank walked in.

"No, Frank! Stay back!" Evee sobbed.

"Evee, wh-what's going on? What's happening to my Gee?" Frank cried out.

Evee took him aside and looked him in the eye.



"One of the night nurses overdosed him on blood thinner..."


"I don't know Frankie, I think one of them did it on purpose..."

"Th..they wanted to get rid of us and Gerard...."

"You two are the most hardworking, caring people I know...why would they do that...?"

"Because they think we are perfect...but in reality we aren't...In fact, nobody is perfect..."

"Will Gee die?"

"I don't know honey..." Evee said as she huged Frank.
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cliff hanger!! that was so sad for me to was the first depressing chapter i ever wrote, i hope its not to sappy...