The Mask that I wear

a deadly overdoese part two

"CLEAR!!!" The doctor yelled

There was no need to yell this because Evee Rinni and Frank were already huddled into an corner of the room sobbing onto each other's shoulder.

"I have a pulse!" The doctor yelled

Evee and Rinni rushed over to make sure that the pulse was maintained. Frank was left by himself in the corner waiting to hear Gee's voice call to him or for the girls to tell him that he was going to be alright or the worst thing he would ever hear.

"Frank." Came Evee's voice "Frank!"

"Huh? What?" Frank said coming out of his daze

"He'll be okay his heart rate is back to normal but he's going to be out of it for a day or

so." Evee said

"That's good to know. I'll stay with him." Frank said

"We are going to stay with him. You are going to tell the guys what happened. Okay?"

Evee said

"I......I Don't know." Frank said sounding worried

"What don't tell me you don't us now!" Evee said

"I......No!!!!! Of course not! I'd trust you with my life but...... I almost lost him what if

something else happens." Frank said with an expression normally worn by a person worried about of their wife or husband

"Frank we are going to stay with him the rest of his stay here and we will call if anything

happens. Alright?"

"O...Okay."Frank said

*time laps its dinner time and Rinni went to get something to eat for the two of them*

"Gerard you can't go." Evee said talking to his unconscious form on the bed

"You just can't! We've gotten so tight! Your like my big brother! Don't you think we fight

like sibs?" she said sobbing

"And if you go I don't think any of us will ever be the same." She said tears now rolling down her face

"Were a family now." she said now quivering with fear "Did I ever tell you I had no


"Yeah they died in a car accident. The doctors and nurses couldn't do anything to save


Little did she know that Rinni was just outside the door listening to what Evee was saying. She had never heard Evee say that to anyone but herself.

"Evee must really love Gerard like a brother!" Rinni thought

"Gerard you need to wake up now please just to tell us who it was that did this to you!" Evee said now nearly unable to control the tears

"Evee I got the food. If your still hungry." Rinni said giving her a bowl of tomato soup

"Thanks. I'll be right back." Evee said standing up "I need to get a bag from my

apartment. Call If he wakes up okay?"

"Sure." Rinni reassured her

Rinni ate her food and then took Gerard's hand in her own "Gerard are you okay?" She asked

"I guess you heard what Evee said to you. But what she failed to mention was that she

also had a big brother that tried to kill her. She always wanted somebody to love her in some

way shape or form she's got me but I Know she really loves you. You Evee and Me and the

rest of the guys we are family so now you need to step up and be big bro and tell us who did

this so they can get what's coming!" Rinni said

"I.........I.......It.......Was........The........Nurse........Josephene." came Gerard's voice from the still form on the bed

"Gerard!?" Rinni said grabbing her cell Phone and dialing Evee

"Evee! Evee! EVEE HE'S AWAKE!!!" Rinni said

"I'll be there in a minute!" Came Evee's Voice through the phone

About ten minutes later Evee came running in closely followed by Frank. They both had tears in there eyes as they came to hug Gerard.

"It was Joesephene." Rinni told Evee "She has always had it in for the both of us!"

"OH SHE IS SO OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM GONNA KICK HER ASS RIGHT NOW!" Evee screeched

"Who's ass?" came the sickening sweet voice of Joesephene
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okay rinni we need to finish this part of the story tonight or at least this weekend cuz im a writer and i dont even know what going on after this so yeah please finish this so i can sleep soundly tonight! and oh yeah COMMENT! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!