The Mask that I wear

Welcome Back Gerard!

Three days had passed since Gerard had nearly died and Rinni and Evee, instead of trusting any nurses other than themselves, had pretty much been living with Gerard in his room. They agreed to alternate turns on the couch and turns on the floor. Rinni was taking a shower and Evee was asleep on the couch when Gerard woke up feeling the effects of being in a near comatose state for three days.

"Evee?" he said confused "Evee!"

"Wha.....?" Evee whimpered

"What are you doing zonked out in my room?" Gerard asked still confused

"Don't you rember what happened?" Evee asked sitting up reveling her pajamas which
were the same as Gerard's skeleton jammies

"Well I rember Joesephene getting put in the clink and Frank saying he loved me but I got

nuthin after that." Gerard said trying to rember

"Well yeah that's more or less what happened but Rinni and I are going to stay with you

so we don't have a repeat of three nights ago." Evee said getting up "You hungry?" She asked

"Kind of." He replied

"Okay I'll be right back." She said running off to get some food from downstairs

"Gerard! Welcome back!" Rinni said walking out of the bathroom in a pair boxers and a black t-shirt

"Are you hungry?" she asked

"Is that all nurses think about Evee just asked the same thing." Gerard asked

"And?" Rinni asked

"She is going to get some food from downstairs." Gerard said

"I'm back!" Evee said running into the room "And I have a surprise for you!"

"What more sour Yogurt?" Gerard asked

"NO IT'S ME!" Frank said

"SLEEP OVER!" Evee said smiling as she opened the fruit cocktail baby food jar she had brought and spooning it into Gerard's mouth

"Hey baby!" Frank said kissing Gerard in between mouth fulls

"I'm gonna sing the doom song now doom da doom da doom!" sang Evee's phone

"You sang!" She answered "HARI!??? WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU LIEING BASTARD?

OH IS THAT ALL WELL SCREW YOU!" She yelled into the phone and hung up

"What did he want?" Rinni asked

"He said he wanted to get back together!" Evee said through gritted teeth

"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you turned him down?" Frank asked

"You bet your boyfriends sweet ass I did!" Evee said

Gerard actually thought he saw steam rolling out of her ears "So umm can I have

something to eat now?"

"Oh! Sorry Gee." She said spooning some more fruit into his mouth

Later that night Evee was up reading by flashlight on the couch. "What are you reading?" said a voice that made her jump Gerard's face peeked through the sheets she had covering her head

"Gerard! You scared the crap out of me!" Evee said smiling

"What are you reading?" Gerard asked again

"Howl's Moving Castle." Evee said

"Oh that sound cool!" Gerard said

"I'll Read it too you I just started it myself." Evee offered

"Sweet!" Gerard said
♠ ♠ ♠
I have stopped laughing and crying at the same time so here is chapter uhhh *has lost count of chapters =P and as always BLODDY COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!