The Mask that I wear

Anime Porn O_O

"Gee! You gotta get up now we got something for you!" Frank said excitedly

"Wha...What is it?" Gee mumbled

"A yummy solid food I know you'll like!" Frank said

"Frank! Put your pants back on! Were in a public place!" Gerard said without even looking

"YOU PERVERT! THATS NOT IT! Its cake!" Frank said

"Hey that cake looks good!" Gerard said with bright eyes

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Evee and Rinni said popping out from nowhere


COME FROM!?" Gerard said throwing his hands in the air and screaming

"The closet." The girls said innocently

"How did you both fit in there? That closet is really small." Gerard asked giving them a confused look

"Believe me you don't wanna know." Evee said looking scarred

"I'm gonna sing the doom song now doom da doom da doom" Evee's cell phone rang

"You sang! Satoshi! Kaleb! What's up?" Evee said excited then out of nowhere she started talking in rapid Japanese

"What the F.... what is she saying?" Gerard asked confused all over again

"Don't look at me I can't talk that fast in English let alone Japanese." Rinni said with envy

"Hey do you guys mind if two of my friends join us? They said they would bring some

movies they just bought." Evee said slapping on puppy eyes none of them had ever seen
before but thought were really cute

"Sure but what movies?" Gerard asked

"Oh! Its nothing scary if that's what your afraid of. Its just some anime they said was

really cool!" She said
"Okay that sounds okay" Gerard said

How wrong he was. Satoshi and Kaleb arrived about twenty minutes later. Satoshi had light blond hair and was very good looking and Kaleb had dark brown hair and also was very good looking but from the moment they walked in Gerard and Frank could tell they were flaming gay. (THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY!) They had a sack of movies with them. Evee ran up to hug them both she took the movies and popped the first one in without even looking at the title. Then the title popped up "Light and Ryuzaki(L) in Good Cop Bad Cop" The sounds of two men getting it on filled the room and everybody but Satoshi and Kaleb fell to the floor scared out of their mind (Okay being gay fine but gay anime porn is a little much don't ya think?"

That night after Satoshi and Kaleb had left Frank was sitting by Gerard. Evee had gone to get a shower and Rinni had gone to the laundry matt to wash her cloths.

"Gee your doing so much better! I'm so proud of you!" Frank said holding Gerard's hand

"Thanks Frankie." Gerard said looking up to see his Frank's face "I'm really tired now and

that movie scared me! You wanna stay with us tonight? There's room for two in this bed."

Gerard said pleading "I might need someone to snuggle with." He added with his best baby face

"Alright Gee scoot over." Frank said crawling in with Gerard

When Evee came out of the shower, wearing a black nightgown that looked kind of like a death shrowed, she was surprised to see the two men cuddled together fast asleep
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Okay yeah the gay anime porn well lets just say i had to sit through it against my will so yeah i used it in the chapter and i was feeling pervy today so yeah HAVE FUN TRYING TO SLEEP TONIGHT!