The Mask that I wear

bonis chapter *about the authors*

Okay since you know about all the members of My Chemical Romance we figured we would tell you a little bit about ourselves so this chapter is going to be …. ABOUT THE AUTHORS

We start off with our youngest and Craziest author Julia A.K.A Rinni she ended up with that nickname through a series of weird plays on her middle name Ann first Annarino then the finish was Rinni. Rinni likes to play the drums and does pretty decent at them she can play cemetery drive ^_^ Yay Rinni. Her favorite food is Ramen. YUM. Her favorite song I’m going to guess is Thank You for the Venom. And her favorite color is more than likely black (am going off of memory =P) Rinni is into several different things such as anime her favorite ones are Naruto and the character she likes best is Sai because he is such a jerk. She is also way into Death Note her favorite character on that is L. or Ryuzaki because of his Lness (I know it’s not a word but its true!) . She also likes Pency Prep (the band Frankie was in before My Chemical Romance) In her free time she enjoys updating our fan-fic, acting like a total nutcase getting mountain dew hangovers (they do exist) and watching and making AMVs and Regular music videos to her favorite movies. Rinni has one older sister we fondly call Haru (If you watch Fruits Basket Haru has a black side when he gets angry and her sis. Has really bad mood swings) her favorite quote is from Naruto “BELIEVE IT!” which she says every chance she gets nutty lil sissy ^_^

Next is the middle child and the second main author Taylor who has been known as Evee because of her middle name Evan. Evee is currently learning how to play guitar and plays Flute for the high school band. On guitar I can almost play DEAD! And on flute I can play so many random songs it’s hard to pick one. Her favorite food is onigerie (Japanese rice balls). Her favorite song is Our Lady of Sorrows. Her favorite color is Black. Evee likes a lot of different things she is also into anime and enjoys Naruto although her favorite character is Rock Lee. She loves Lee for his enthusiasm and non stop optimism. Evee also is way into Death Note her favorite character is Light because he is a “Total hottie!” but she is starting to see L’s good side too. She enjoys listen to the one Pency Prep song she has called PS DON’T WRITE! In her Free time she enjoys updating all the stories she works on, Hanging out with her boyfriend, drinking a lot of coffee making My Chemical Romance Music Videos to J-Rock music. Evee has One twin sister she loves very much and calls Tohru because of her spastic nature. Her favorite quote is from Death Note “Humans are fun” which she says when she is trying to convince the kindergarten kids on her bus that she is a vampire

Next we have the oldest of the three, He goes by the name Hatori. He is also called the Saki Sucker in the fan-fic author’s notes he is Evee’s boyfriend . He is a minor author in the fan-fic. He got his nickname after drinking seven large bottles of Japanese rice wine. He plays guitar, Tuba, And , Trombone. On guitar he can play Thank you for the venom DEAD! And some of PS DON’T WRITE!. His favorite food is sweet bean paste rolls. His favorite song is Head First for Halos. His favorite color Red (oddball!) He is not really into the well known anime but he does like Death Note his favorite character is Ryuke the shinigamie because he likes apples. He does like a little Pency Prep upon occasion. In his free time he comes over and steels his girlfriend’s phone and talks to Rinni and helping Evee update on the fics. Hatori has Two sisters his younger sister Charlene who we call the runaway because she tried to runaway during Christmas break this year and his older sister Chenay who we all just call sis because she is a sister to anyone who needs it. Hatori also has an older brother Jason who we refer to as Him because his family has disowned him. Hatori’s Favorite quote is from a song called zenki power “look here it comes an apple colored monster look here it comes a nut scented alien” only he sings it in Japanese.

Well That’s us!
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okay tell us more about you! we have like 17 subscribers and we only get like two people to comment (DON'T START WITH THE NUMBER HEAD GAMES I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE COMMENT PEOPLE)