The Mask that I wear



Evee and Rinni raced to the ER to see what the trouble was. A girl with black hair and brown eyes was laying on a bed with blood pooling out of her mouth. She gagged and sputtered trying to take in oxygen but inhaling blood instead.

"What's the matter with her?" Evee asked looking horrified

"Bulimia." The doctor answered "And a bad case of it too."

"She needs an IV and fluids stat." Rinni demanded

They set her up with an IV wile the doctors saw too her throught. When she was cleaned up and the blood was gotten rid of she gave the doctors her name and age. Her name was Haku she was eighteen years old and weighed 93 pounds.

"What happened?" Evee asked "What made you start purging?"

"My.....Friends sad I was fat." Haku replied still shaky

"Then they aren't very good friends" Rinni said "Hey Evee why don't we take her to see


"Good Idea" Evee said wheeling her into the room "Hey Gee. We got a new bulimic on the

block why don't you two talk for a wile so we can get some other stuff done you have already

eaten right?"

"Yeah." Gerard asked as he was getting his hair brushed out by Frank

Haku and Gerard talked for hours until Rinni and Evee came back in. "You guys were right

there's no reason to do what I did I'm gonna try to get better and I hope my nurses are as

nice as you too!" Haku said with a ghost of a smile on her face

"What did you say to her Gee?" Evee asked as Rinni wheeled her out

"I just told her that its not worth it." He answered "Can I have something to eat now?"
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Hola buenos dias! *Yawn * its still too early! COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!