The Mask that I wear

movies again! (furuba)

Gerard and Haku had become practicly best friends. Gerard had her over for movies a lot.

"So what are we watching tonight?" Haku asked.

"Just another anime DVD that Rinni bought."



"Its short for Fruits Basket."

"Soundy corny."

"Actually it's really good." Rinni said.

The DVD started and they watched the 1st episode.

"Hello, My Name is Tohru Honda. I recently had my mother pass away. Now I live with my grandfather. But he had to to renovations on his house, because my cousins are living with him. There just isn't enough room for all of us in that tiny house. So now I live in a tent..."

"Wait, she lives in a tent!?" Haku said completely shocked.

*20 minutes later*

"Mr. Postman! It's terrible! You see they're ANIMALS!"

"Uhhhh...yes, I guess they are...."

"My name is Sigure. I'm the dog. Yuki here, he's the Rat, an Kyou over there, he's the cat. Don't mind him. He as a bit of a chip on his shoulder.

"But when we turn back--" POOF!

"--we're naked."

Tohru freaked out as she turned the other way.

"Dang Rat!"

"Stupid Cat."

"What ya wanna say that again?!"

"Stupid. Cat."

"This is too wierd." Haku said."I'm outta here."

"Bye. See you tomorrow." Evee, Rinni and Gerard said.

"That was a stupid movie." Gerard commented.

"I take it you're not a fan of shoujo anime."


"Shoujo means 'girl' in Japanese."


"Evee Rinni I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright Gee, see you in the morning."
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I havent see furuba in 3 years and I still remember the episodes. Wow, I hope you liked it