The Mask that I wear

Its so damn cute!

"UGH WHAT THE FRIGGIN HELL IS THIS CRAP!??" came Haku's voice from the next room.

"It's baby food Ms. Toriyama! Please you must eat!" The nurse from next door pleaded

"I'm gonna barf get the damn barrel!" Haku said

A second later they heard the splattering of vomit in the barrel and Haku moaning as she spit up the food she had been fed. Gerard was listening to the argument and was scared that Haku was in trouble when he heard the vomit hitting the bottom of the barrel.

"Should I go and see if she is okay?" Evee asked trying to reassure Gerard

"Would you?" Gee asked turning chalk white

"Sure but when I come back I want to see progress on your oatmeal." Evee said standing up she had on short shorts and a black tank top with a ninja's headband on. It reminded Gerard of a character on Kingdom Hearts called Yuffi.

"Okay." Gerard complied

Later that night Frank had come over saying that he had some movies to watch with them. It was an anime he thought Evee and Rinni would enjoy called Card Captor Sakura.

"This show is so CUTE!" Haku squeaked as she watched the little flying lion Kero.

"IT IS!" Evee said blushing as she saw all the cuteness

"Evee! This show is so not your style what the heck is up!?" Gerard asked confuzzeled Evee liked dark dreary things that's kinda why he liked her.

"I don't know its just this show is just to cute!" Evee said not taking her eyes off of it "I can't look away!"

"If you like that then you'll love this." Frank said popping in another anime called Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar

WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Evee Rinni and Haku squealed "IT'S SO CUTE!" They said in unison

"Can we watch something not cute!?" Gerard asked starting to get scared (He was starting to like it too)

"Sure here's one you'll like." Frank said popping in the last DVD

"LIFE ON THE MURDER SCENE!!!!!!!!!!" Evee and Rinni squealed at one another "LIFE ON THE MURDER SCENE! LIFE ON THE MURDER SCENE! LIFE ON THE MURDER SCENE!" They screamed jumping up and down


"Screw you!" Evee said smacking him in the head

"This shit is easy peasy pumpkin peasy pumpkin pie mother fuckers!" Said the TV Gee

They watched Life on the Murder Scene until it ended well after normal visiting hours but Frank had always been allowed to stay longer because Evee and Rinni lived in Gerard's room with him.

"That was physical and mental torture!" Gerard whimpered

"But I love you Gee" Frank said Kissing him full on the mouth.

*cough cough* Evee entered the room. Frank and Gerard broke apart.

"Oh. Don't stop because of me I've seen more heated Man kisses than that from Satoshi

and Kaleb." She said waving her hand

Later that night Evee was again reading her book with uneasy breaths flowing through her nasal passages.

"What's the matter? Your breathing is all over the place!" Gerard whispered into her ear.

"Oh! It's a really scary book and I was getting creeped out a little bit that's all." Evee said

"What's it about?" Gee asked

"Its about well You." Evee said "Its a fan-fic I was told to read by a friend of mine and its

really scary! Of course I know you would never really kill Mikey or your mom but still." She shuddered

"Oh." Gerard said "You should really get some sleep its nearly two in the morning" He added wiggling so that he could cuddle with Frank who was in bed with him again.

"Okay. Night bro." Evee said getting up she walked over and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek like a little kid saying good night to their big brother or sister.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay all the anime in here my friend Elli suggested to me so here ya go and the Evee kissing Gerard thing came from my man-slaves Richy and Kaleb (They wanted to see a little love and tenderness) *starts to harf* anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KARINNE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives Karinne a cake* blow out the candles and make a wish!