The Mask that I wear

Enter Evee and Rinni

Gerard had been asleep for nearly 3 hours and Frank and Mikey were starting to dose in
their chairs when someone knocked at the door. Frank heaved himself up to answer
hoping it was news on Bob but when he opened the door he found two nurses instead. The
first and what seemed like the older of the two was wearing what looked like an outfit Frank
had seen on a T. V. show called Naruto (tsunades) it was black Capri a white shirt that
looked like a robe top and a red over coat. She had black hair that made it so she almost
looked like she could be Gerard's younger sister and glasses. The second and youngest of
the two was shorter with short brown hair she had on what Frank thought was something
she stole out of Tony Hawk's closet (skater stuff) she also had glasses
"Hello we are Mr.Way's personal Nurses for rehabilitation" said the older one "My Name is Evee" she added
"My Name is Rinni who are you?" the second nurse asked
"Err... My Name is Frank IERO. You two are not like the other nurses here are you sure
your here for Gerard?" Frank asked uncertainly
"We my be a little unconventional but our methods have never let us down we are the best now we need to get to the patient" Said Evee a tad bit annoyed that she was having
her authority questioned by some man she had never met
Frank stepped aside as they shuffled in "Mr. Way you need to wake up now" Rinni said gently
"Wh...what who are you??" Gerard asked groggily
" We are your Rehabilitation nurses I am Rinni"
"And I am Evee" she added taking his arm
" umm what are you doing " Gerard asked nervously
" Well I am setting up your I. V." Evee answered patiently
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gerard screamed
"Rinni we have a needle Phobe! Okay Mr. Way no needles I got it" Evee said sweetly "lets just talk okay"
"O..okay that sounds okay I guess" Gerard said wondering how they were going to work without the I. V.
"you know I am a needle phobe too and so is Rinni" Evee said trying to ease his discomfort
"Yeah but we both got over it so we could do our job" Rinni put in
" how did you do that needles are really creepy." Gerard said squinching up his face and wincing
"Well we wanted to help people so we just sort of dealt with it what you have to do is focus on something else like the vein instead of what you are about to do to it" Evee said with a hand on his arm
"Its lucky I don't use those stupid rubber bands or this wouldn't work" Evee thought as she aimed her needle
she didn't even have to look she knew where to go and before he knew it Gerard was all hooked up to his I. V.
"There see that wasn't so bad was it" Rinni said smiling as she saw how quick Evee had worked her psych. charm and got the I. V. set up
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU EVIL DEMON IN A PRETTY NURSESE CLOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????" Gerard said panicked that he had just gotten a needle and didn't even know it
"What the freekin heck is going on in here??" said a familiar voice Bob hobbled in wearing a walking cast on his left foot
"Oh Gees just freeking out because he got a needle from these two and he didn't even notice" Frank said nearly laughing
"Geez I wish you two coulda given me the knock out stuff! the doctor that had me was not all that gentle" Bob said rubbing his arm
" Wh...What happened to you Bob?" Gerard asked
"Well I had just sped up to get to the hospital and ran into a patch of black ice and wrecked" he said casually
"Bob I'm so sorry this is all my fault" Gerard said shaking
"Yeah it is but, I'll let you off easy this time just get better alright and we'll call it even" he said " and don't give these two lovely ladies any more trouble alright promise me" Bob said
holding up his finger and shaking it at Gerard
"Alright I promise" Gerard said
♠ ♠ ♠
*is quietly typing at her BF's house and is trying to hide from scary mother of BF who keeps trying to make her tie the stupid sash of a kimono even though MY_chem_Princess_89 isn't Japaneese ZOINKS HERE SHE COMES GOTTA GO! O_o