Status: New.Slow.Give Some Love?!

Hollywood Undead Daughters...Shh

Home Sweet Bus.

"Girls, wake up! It's time for you to meet your new family!" blinking my eyes open, I looked over at the shriveled woman in the doorway, she was wearing the usual plum colored dress suit, with her gray wispy hair pulled up into a bun on top of her head. Her smile grew larger as the three of us sat up.

I looked over at Raven, and Madison, "New family?" Madison questioned with a small yawn.

The old woman smiled, "Yes you have all three been adopted into the same family!"

All three of us jumped up onto the bed and began jumping up and down with joy, hugging and screaming extremely loud, causing the woman to cover her ears, we didn't care though, we were finally getting adopted into a family, all three of us, "Wait?! What family?!"

She smiled, then motioned for us all to follow her, we jumped off the bed, ran our fingers through our hair, then linked arms, and traveled out the small wooden door. Down the long hallway, and out to the front lobby area, and standing there in the middle of the room was no one other than, "JOHNNY FUCKING 3 TEARS?!" we all screamed at the exact same time.

The man also known as George Ragan stepped back a bit, "Ha, yeah, hello there, it seems like you already know me, but I don't know any of you," George smiled a bit, then tugged on his shirt sleeve.

The old woman then placed a hand on my shoulder, "This is Alexandria," she moved her hand to Raven's shoulder, "This is Raven," then she moved her bony fingers to Madison, "And this is Madison, girls this is Mr. Ragan."

"Please, call me George," he shook our hands, and I about fainted.

"Wait this is all a huge joke, am I right?!" I looked around for Ashton Kutcher to jump out and scream You've been punked! but no such thing happened. Just J3T standing there in total shock at all three of us, then Raven squeezed my hand, I looked over at her, "What?"

She looked at me with her big pleading eyes reading the Can-We-Pack-Yet?! look, the old woman broke that for us, "Why don't you three go and get your clothes and other belongings while I take Mr. Ragan here to the office to sign the rest of the paper work?"

We nodded, then stepped backwards, and as soon as we were out of the view of Johnny, we bolted to the room, grabbed our small bags, shoved the clothes into them, grabbed a clean outfit, changed as quickly as we could. I looked around at us three, myself adorned my favorite Hollywood Undead shirt which J-Dog had thrown out to the audience, with my favorite pair of deep black skinny jeans, with the holes all around them, and my ratty converse. Pulling my hair back into a messy pony tail I was ready to leave. Then I looked over at Madison and Raven who were wearing the exact same outfit, they both had on blue mini shorts, with a white tank top and a black zip-up hoodie. Their self esteem being a bit higher than mine it didn't bother them to wear mini shorts, "You guys ready to get the hell out of here?!"

They both shook their heads, we grabbed our bags, then intertwined fingers, and walked out of the room we would never have to sleep in again, or so we hoped, then found ourselves staring George in the face again. He was smiling largely, "Well, Alexandria, Raven, and Madison, you guys ready to finish off the tour with us?"

We smiled, I answered, "Hell to the mother fucking yeah!"

He laughed, then took my bag, then Raven's then Madison's, and we followed him out to the front area, and there in front of the shitty orphanage was the most beautiful tour bus I had ever seen, it was slick black with a red pinstripe down the side, and Hollywood Undead written down the sides in a golden fancy cursive font, "Holy shit, this is what we are riding on?!"

He looked at Madison and smiled, "Yeah we are, you guys ready to meet the rest of the guys?"

"One question, why did you pick us?" my voice raised a bit at the end, as did my pierced eyebrow.

"Because any teenage girls that are willing to flirt with the bouncer, and then get up on stage and grind with my guys are worth the adoption paper signing. Yes I saw you guys last night, and yes I did know you were underage, don't worry, my lips are sealed," he got onto the bus, I followed hesitantly behind him, as did Madison and Raven behind me, but then we were on the bus. And there sitting on either side was the band, J-Dog was rested up against a red cushioned chair, his hat over his eyes, but from the gauge in his ear I could tell it was him. Then Charlie Scene was right next to him, his bandanna was tied around his wrist at the moment, and then the rest of the members were sitting around joking with one another, then J3T cleared his throat, "Guys, these are our girls now."

I felt my cheeks grow hot as each of them shot their eyes over to us, Raven and Madison stepped behind me, "Hey I'm-."

"Aren't you the girl from last night that I was grinding with?!" Jorel or J-Dog commented shooting up, his hat fell off his head and landed on his feet.

I bit my bottom lip, and began to twist my foot on the carpeted floor, "Uh well, you see...Yes."

I heard him let out a long sigh, then brought his hands to his face, and rubbed them down, "Damn, young much?!"

Everyone in the bus erupted with laughter, then Charlie spoke, "Hey, you, pink head! I grinded with...Ah fuck, George really?! You adopted the girls from the show?! Fuck what are they?! Fourteen?!"

"Sixteen, for your information, and don't call me young either, or yell at George, damn want me to sock you in the stomach," shit had I really just said that to Charlie Scene?!

He looked at me, "Listen here, young one, don't expect me to be all nice to you now, because I sure as hell-."

"Whoa, Jordon who is the babe?!" all three of us girls shot our glances over to a boy who looked about seventeen, his deep black hair fell over his baby blue green eyes, he walked over to us, and looked directly at me, "Who are you?"

"I'm Alexx, who are you?!"

"Clyve," he said then looked back at Raven, "You baby, are gorgeous."

Her cheeks grew pinker than her cheeks, "I'm Raven, you're a cutie."

He smiled, "I try. Wanna come to the back of the bus with me and uh...See some things?"

She agreed, he took her hand, and then once they got back there, the music started blasting, 'She's a slut, but I love her to death.'


We were all sitting around the table/booth thing in the bus, eating the lunch that consisted of sandwiches and chips, with some type of beverage of your choice, mine happened to be Dr.Pepper which this other boy Oliver had to fight me for, the conversations were endless with the most random guy things ever, all I did was nod my head, and listen while Raven and the boy Clyve played footsie with each other and Madison sat next to Da Kurlzz and the two chatted about some movie, I was left alone, in total solitude basically, "Well, where are the girls gonna sleep anyway?" the first thing I heard that sounded remotely interesting.

"Eh, who knows, for now though I do know, Clyve and Raven will be sleeping in the same bunk, they seem pretty cozy with one another, that just leaves Madison and Alexx," George commented taking another bite out of his turkey and mayonnaise sandwich.

I sipped my Dr.Pepper, "Well, Madison and I are used to sleeping in close areas, considering we have shared the same bed since we were four, it wouldn't bother us too much if we had to share a bunk. Would it Maddie?"

She looked over at me, her deep blue eyes bugged out, "Oh it wouldn't bother me, but Matt offered to give up his bed so I could have his, he said he could sleep on the couch, him and I agreed we'd just switch back and forth."

Looking down at my sandwich, I suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore, everyone had a place to sleep, someone to talk to, but me, "Well where am I going to sleep anyway?!"

"Well there's a total of six bunks, there is six of us, but then there is the way back which is a master bedroom, and then there are two more bunks back there. That's a total of nine beds, and six are taken up, then the two in the back are as well, so that leaves the largest bed, and that also means Matt doesn't have to give up his bed and you three girls can all sleep in the master bed together."

I shook my head at his idea, "If everyone is fine with how they are sleeping, it's fine, I will just sleep in the master bed by myself."

Everyone nodded in agreement, then continued on with their eating, and talking, I was still completely silent, still nobody would talk to me, I jumped a little, then looked to my left, the Oliver kid was looking at me, "Hey, wanna sleep in my bunk? I want the master bed."

I stuck my tongue out at him, "Not a chance babe."

"Please?" he started to jut out his bottom lip, and formed his eyes to look like giant brown saucers, and his soft dirty blonde hair fell over the one eye so perfectly.

"NO!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us, it must have been a pretty bad sight, because everyone's mouths were dropped open and their eyes grew extremely wide.

"Looks like Oli just got rejected!" all the guys began to howl with laughter, I just punched the kid in the arm, made him wince slightly, then pushed him off the bench he was on, threw my stuff away, grabbed my small bag, and walked to the back of the bus.


The rest of the day was pretty much the same, everyone was still talking and laughing, I could hear them through the closed door. Soon I became annoyed, their constant laughing and talking and other random noises were too distracting from the writing I was attempting to do, looking down at my notepad I only saw a few sentences scribbled across it;

Dear Life,
Please just end, there is no need for you anymore, you are worthless to me as to many others. I have been nothing but a worthless rag doll that has been tossed around by everyone. My eyes are always blood shot from crying, my hair always knotted from the constant pulling of it. And my skin is always scarred from the numerous times I dragged that blade across it, and over it, again, and, again, and, again!

Just end life, it will make me happy, please?

It wasn't done yet though, a few more sentences, and I would have all of my feelings out of my fucked up head.

A knock at the door stopped me from continuing anything though, shoving the notepad under my ass, and the pen down my shirt, I situated myself in a comfortable position, "Come in?"

The door knob turned, and in popped, Jorel Decker's head, "Hey, wanna talk?"

I nodded silently, my all time favorite band member wanted to talk to me, "What do you want exactly?"

"To know why you're so quiet, and yet so feisty at the same time. You know my cousin Oliver likes that right?" he sat down on the foot of the bed, about a good two to three inches away from my knee, "He said you're cute."

"Yeah well good for him," I huffed, nodded, then crossed my arms over my chest.

He placed his left hand on my knee, "Hey don't be so rude, we did adopt you into our family, remember?"

"Actually, George adopted us, you were all just dragged along for the ride," he moved his hand back away from my knee, "What afraid I'll bite it off?"

"Possibly. Look just don't be too hard on us, we're trying, 'kay?" his eyes wandered down to the notepad area, "Can I see what you wrote?"

I looked down, then pulled the pad out from under me and handed it to him, "Sure."

He sat there a few minutes, his eyes adjusting to the dim lighting in the back of the bus, then to the small hand writing scrawled across the pages. His eyebrows rose and fall with every reading of every word, he brought the paper back, and handed it to me, "Alexx, you have a lot of problems. But being on this bus won't help, but we are all here for you, okay?"

I smiled, "Okay."

Later in the night was hell, everyone was getting ready for bed, and I was going to be stuck with two of the horniest boys in the world, in the same room as me because Clyve and Raven had gotten into some huge fight, so she was going to sleep with Raven, and then when the boys came back I was only in my black mini shorts and a white tank top because that was the only pajamas I owned. They just kept looking me up and down like I was a piece of meat. So now here I am, wrapped up in one huge black soft blanket, hoping to make it through the night without being raped.

I felt the end of the bed sink down a bit, I shot up and looked forward, and there sitting at the foot off my bed was a shirtless Oliver, he looked at me with pleading eyes, "Alexx, will you check a spot on my back for me?"

I nodded, "Sure, come here," he moved back then sat in front of me, handed me a flash light then put his hand where it hurt, I touched it lightly, causing him to wince, then I looked at it, there was a huge cut on his back, "Oh my God, what did you do?!"

He laughed kinda, and quietly, "That's what happens when you fall of the top bunk and land on a shoe. Kiss it and make it better?"

"Lemme clean it first," he handed me a band-aid and some Neosporne, I fixed it up, then kissed it quickly, "Better?"

"Yeah but...I think I hurt my cheek too, kiss that?" I did, then he looked at me, "My lips really hurt, fix em?"

"I'll bite em off if you don't crawl back up into your bunk!"

He rolled his eyes, then hugged me, and laid down with me still in his arms, "No chance in hell am I leaving you here alone."

Ignoring that totally cliche comment, I cuddled up next to him, shut my eyes, and once more fell into the darkness I enjoyed so much.
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