You Implied That You Would Wait for Me

You Implied That You Would Wait For Me

I was sitting on my front porch with Sadie.
We were holding hands and watching the sun rise.
“I’m going to miss you,” I said breaking the silence.
“I’m going to miss you too, I’ll come back next summer,”
“I hope so,”
“I’ll always love you,” she smiled to me. “I’ll think of you always,”
“I’ll always love you too, your always be in my heart and I’ll never forget you,” I promised her.
She smiled. “Promise?”
“On my life,”
She hugged me tight and I hugged back. “I’ll never forget you Jared Williams,” she whispered to me.
“I love you Sadie Freedman,”
“Sadie, honey, it’s time to go,” her mom called to her.
“Coming,” she said over her shoulder. “You’ll write to me everyday right and call me?”
“Promise,” I smiled.
She kissed me on the lips quickly and smiled. “I love you!” she said running off to her car.
“I love you too,” I called after her.
She got in the backseat of the car and waved to me from the window.
I waved back as I stood next to my parents.
“Goodbye my love,” I whispered as her car disappeared over the hill.

(Nine Years Later)

“Good morning Atlanta, today is going to be a beautiful day…” the radio man said.
I dragged myself out of bed. I pulled on my jeans and t-shirt, I grabbed my book bag and walked down stairs.
“Good morning, Jared” my mom said handing me my breakfast.
“Good morning,” I said kissing her check.
“Ready for school?” she asked as I finished eating. I’m a fast eater.
“Aw, honey-”
“Mom, I don’t want to hear it,” I said standing up. I handed her my plate then went back to my room to brush me teeth.
Before I left the house I put on my black leather jacket and walked out into the rain.
Yes, the rain, why the rain because instead of being in Atlanta I was forced to move to Maryland.
I got in my car and sighed.
This was my first day of my new school. High school. Eleventh grade.
I turned on my car and loud heavy metal music started to play. I turned up my radio to drown out the rain.
I drove to school hoping I would get lost. On my way to the school I got looks from the other drivers, I guess my music was too loud. Not that I cared.
I parked in the schools student parking lot and turned off my car. I sat in the car for a while.
I heard loud laughing coming from out side my car I looked to my left to see a group of teenagers hanging out by a car. They were laughing, flirting and talking with one another.
I was about to look away when a blond girl caught my eye.
She had short hair that went passed her shoulders, the brightest of blue eyes, a smile that made the stars jealous, she was different.
I wanted to know more about her.
She walked in front of my car with the rest of her friends. I watched her leave and a smirk formed on my lips.
I was looking forward to school.
