You Implied That You Would Wait for Me

You Implied That You Would Wait For Me Chapter 14

I looked up and saw Avery’s bare back.
“Whoa,” I said as my eye went wide.
She looked over her shoulder, blushing.
She then turned around showing me her breast.
“Well? What do you think?” she asked.
I licked my lips and sighed. “What’s this about?” I asked.
“I just want to know. They’re not too small, are they?”
“They’re fine. You’re beautiful the way you are, Avery”
She blushed and walked over to me. “Really?”
“Yes. If this about Sadie, I really am sorry. It was a one time thing. I’m over her. I like you, a lot. You don’t need to show me your breast to get my attention. You already have it. I think you’re beautiful and that’s all that matters,”
She smiled hugged me. “Thanks,”
I held her tight and kissed her forehead. “Put some clothes on,” I joked smacking her butt.
She blushed and pulled on her clothes.
Avery took care of me and helped with my homework until my mom came home.
“Bye Jared,” she said blowing me a kiss.
I caught it and put it my pocket.
She smiled and left my room.
The next day I felt less like shit, which is good.
Sadie stopped by to check on me before school.
I told her to look after the new guys. He gives me a distaste.

Avery’s Point Of View

Jake was there by my locker smiling at me.
“Hey beautiful,”
“Hi,” I said opening my locker.
“So, what do you say? Movies? You and me tonight?”
“I have a boyfriend,”
“Oh really?”
“Yes,” I said.
“I might change that,” he winked before walking away.
Threw out the day Jake had been flirting with me.
Winking, blowing kisses, touching my butt, and his lack of eye contact was pissing my off.
Finally the day was over I could see my Jar-bear.

Jared’s Point Of View

I felt a lot better by the end of the day.
Avery used the spare key to let herself in.
“Hey,” she said once she saw me. “How are you?”
“Great. I can breathe again,”
She giggled. “Good,” she said kissing me.
“How was school?”
“Not so great. There’s this new guy, who has the hots for me,”
“Don’t worry about him, when I go back to school, tomorrow, I’ll kill him,”
“Sorry,” I muttered. “But, you’re my girl,”
“I know, that’s why you don’t have to worry,”
I kissed her. “Good,”
Avery helped me with school work once again and this time she stayed for dinner.
Afterwards she left and I got ready for school.