You Implied That You Would Wait for Me

You Implied That You Would Wait For Me Chapter 4

There was only one seat left the one next to me.
I smiled. She had no other place to seat but next to me.
She over slowly and sat down.
I watched her at the corner of my eye. She took out her notebook and pen and looked ahead.
She had to talk to me at some point. I thought to myself once class started.
Fifteen minutes later and nothing.
She didn’t even look my way.
I took out my notebook and wrote her a note.
‘Hey’ I threw it on her desk as I looked foreword.
I saw her unfold it slowly at the corner of my eye. She picked up her pen and wrote something, then threw it on my desk.
‘What’ I chuckled quietly.
‘I just wanted to say hi. I’m Jared,’ I threw it back to her.
She threw it back to me. ‘That’s nice’
‘And your name is…’
‘And how are you Ms. Sadie,’
‘I’ll be better if you would leave me alone’
‘Yeah, bye’
‘Bye babe’
She read the note and ripped it up.
The bell rang and everyone exited the classroom.
Sadie walked over to her friends.
I finally got to talk to her, I thought as I left the classroom.
Avery and I walked out of the classroom together and headed to our lockers.
On our way there I saw Sadie in another guy’s arms. He was whispering something in her that made her giggle.
“See what I mean?” Avery asked.
“Yeah,” I said once we reached our lockers.
I took out my jacket and put it on. “Do you need a ride home?” I asked her.
“Sure, if you don’t mind,”
“I don’t, I just have to pick up my little sister first,”
“I didn’t know you have a sister,”
“I don’t talk about her much,”
“She’s my little sister,”
She giggled. “Oh,”
We walked to my car still talking.
I turned on my car and turned down the music. “Sorry,” I said to Avery.
“It’s fine,”
Once I got to my sister’s school I rolled down my window. “Grace!” I called.
She turned her head and smiled at me. “Coming,” she waved by to her friends and skipped over to the car.
“Who’s the babe?” she asked as soon as she got in the car.
“Her name is Avery and she’s a friend,” I said stressing the word friend.
“Oh okay, she’s a ‘friend’,”
“Grace,” I whined driving off.
“Ugh,” I groaned.
“Are you staying for dinner? Are you staying after dinner?” she winked.
“No, Jared is dropping me home,”
“What? Jared, if she’s going to be your friend with befits then she needs to come over for dinner,”
I slammed on my brakes. “Grace!”
“Okay, I’ll stop,”
“Thank you,” I said driving again. I could see Avery’s cheeks turning bright red.
“So, Grace, what grade are you in?” she asked after fifteen minutes of silence.
“I guess,”
“Okay, here’s your stop Grace,”
“Bye bye,”
“Ugh, you’re so lame. Bye Avery, I’ll see you real soon,” Grace said getting out of the car.
“Sorry about her,” I said backing out of the drive way.
“It’s fine,”
“She just doesn’t know when to close her mouth,”
Avery giggled. “Turn here,” she said.
“Oh, I forgot I was taking you home,”
Avery led me to her house and I pulled into the drive way.
“Here you are my brown eyed girl,”
She giggled. “Thanks,”
“No problem,” I said getting out of the car.
I walked her to her front door.
She opened it. “I’m home,” she called then closed it.
“I’ll see you at school,”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
We stared at each other for a little while.
She really was beautiful.
I snapped out of it when I saw her blush.
“Sorry, gorgeous, I was lost in your big brown eyes,”
She giggled. “I was lost in yours,” she eyes went big after she said that.
I chuckled. “Good, I’ll pick you up tomorrow,”
“Thanks,” she said as I gave her a quick hug.
“Later gorgeous,” I called to her as I got in my car.
As I drove home I thought about how I was going to get Sadie to actually talk to me.
