

I loved plane rides. Most adults I knew hated them. Said they took too much time out of their “busy” schedules waiting for the plane to board and it took way to long to claim luggage. They said they also hated how they had to sit next to people they didn’t know for the long trips. But that’s what I loved about the plane rides. I could easily spend hours talking to someone I would never see again, look out the window at the scenery, or just simply watch a movie that I never had time for when I was home.

“Flight number 1010 for Montreal boarding at gate 7.” The overly cheerful voice echoed across the near deserted airport. I quickly picked up my bags and walked over to the gate. I handed the lady my ticket as she smiled a huge smile at me, hell if it was any bigger it would probably break her face. Everyone here was uninterested but pretended to be interested to save their jobs. That was probably the only thing I hated about airports. I quickly handed her my boarding pass before I slung my carry on over my shoulder and descended down the long hallway towards the plane.

I passed by many rows on the airplane until I got to mine in the rear of the plane. Lucky for me I got a window seat. I sat down in my seat and quickly pulled my iPod out of my bag and slipped it into my ears. Lightly drumming the tune on my knees I looked around the plane as more passengers began to board.

An old man with a fedora atop his bald head sat in front of me with a little girl. Every two seconds she would spring out of her seat and run up and down the aisles pushing past passengers as they made their way onto the plane. Her pigtails streamed after her as she ran and ran until she grew too tired of the game and plopped herself in her seat.

“Hi! I’m Rebecca! But you can call me Becky!” the little girl whispered as she turned in her seat and faced me with a wide grin across her face.

“Sorry about her. She’s a bit hyper.” The old man in the fedora spoke as he tried to get Becky to sit down and face the front of the plane.

“Oh it’s fine! I don’t mind at all.” I smiled as Becky turned around and started chatting all about her life. For a five year old her life was very exciting! Flying from place to place, visiting other countries. Man she had it all. Farthest I have gone is to Chicago for a Blackhawks game!

“So! Why are you sitting alone…..?” she asked as she finally took a breath after explaining her whole life story as we waited for the plane to leave and silently asking for my name which she realized she never asked me before.

“Charli. My names Charli. And I’m sitting alone cause I’m by myself on this trip and I guess no one is sitting next to me.” I said with a shrug.

“Well sorry to change that but the seat next to yours is mine.” A voice sounded to my right.

“Ha-ha! He’s cute.” Becky giggled before turning around in her seat with an awe struck look on her face.

To be perfectly honest I agreed with her. He had to be at least six foot, give or take an inch, with blondish brown hair that lightly fell across his forehead. As I made my way down his face I noticed his green eyes. They literally captured my focus as I stared into them. He gave me a small smile as he stored his carry on above our seat and sat down next to me.

“So… I’m Brayden.” He spoke as our plane began to pull out onto the runway. The wheels moved fast and the images blurred in my image as I watched through the window.

“Charli.” I said back with a smile. I looked over at Brayden and saw he clenched the armrests tightly in his hands and his eyes were almost glued shut; I feared that he’d never be able to open them again.

“You don’t like flying eh?” I asked after the plane got into the air and the plane settled into a peaceful state.

“I don’t mind it. I just hate the taking off and landing. It makes my guts feel like they are going to come flying out of my body. And that is not something that I want to happen.” He smiled and laughed as he spoke. I quietly laughed too. For knowing him a few minutes I could tell he was a funny guy.

“I’m guessing you like it?” he asked as he turned in his seat to face me as I started intently out the window. In my mind the clouds were not just fluffy white stuff in the sky, it was a story full of pictures. If you haven’t guessed yet I’m into art and stories and the occasional sport game; mostly hockey though.

“I do. It takes you places a car cannot. It lets you see things from a different view. Also, you get to met new people that if you hadn’t flown you probably would not have met.” I explained as he listed, nodding his head when he agreed with some of the points I said. When I spoke about meeting new people his face turned to a smile which caused a smile to spread across my face.

“Yeah you’re right… I wouldn’t have met you.” he spoke almost silently; almost like he was reassuring himself that my statement was true. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to hear the second part but I was glad I did.

If you have ever met a person and instantly felt like you have known them forever then you know how I feel. The duration of the plane ride we merely chatted about our childhood, friends, and family. He was a hockey player who was drafted by LA Kings and had a brother in the NHL, Luke, who played on the Leafs.

“Well one time we were at our camp…” I started but never finished for the captains voice filled the plane.

“This is your captain speaking. I… honestly I don’t know how to say this. Unfortunately there was a mistake in our fuel tank and we’ve been dripping fuel. We won’t make it to Montreal.” The captain’s voice echoed across the plane.

My entire stomach dropped. This cannot be happening. This only happens in the movies. It has to be a sick joke. I quickly stole a glance at Brayden and I could tell he was just as scared as I was. His fists were clenched on his lap and his eyes bore right into mine. I reached over and unclenched his fist and laced his fingers with mine. He eased up a bit but we were both nervous as hell. Would the plane fall out of the sky? Would he try to land it somewhere else? Would we crash? All these thoughts ran through my head; my imagination running wild. I guess that’s the only downside of being creative.

“We are going to try to do an emergency water landing in the lake a few miles away. There are life vests under your seats. Please put them on.” The captain commanded. Everyone finally moved and put on their life jackets. Little kids cried, loved ones embraced, it seemed like a scene out of an action flick gone wrong.

“Daddy! Daddy what’s going on! Why are you crying?” Becky cried as her father hastily pulled the life vest over her head.

“It’s okay sweetie we’ll be okay.” He tried to speak calmly but his voice faltered. But just hearing her father speak those words soothed her. My grip tightened around Brayden’s hand as the thoughts of what could happen flooded my mind.

“Relax. We’ll get through this. I just met you. And I’m not letting you go this easily” He said as his thumb lightly ran across the back of my hand. I started to relax a bit but I knew it was useless. We were going to die.

I hung my head low as the casket was lowered into the ground. Thoughts of the dreaded day came back into my mind. I could sleep, couldn’t read, hell I couldn’t even eat without thinking of the day. When the plane hit the water in the emergency doors didn’t open fast enough. When it was finally open it was too late. The water had already gotten into the plane and unfortunately not everyone was able to get out.

“Charli run!” Brayden yelled as we made our way to the emergency door. The wails of children and the tears of mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, could be heard across the plane as everyone desperately tried to escape. I turned my head as I sprinted and saw Brayden stop to help an older couple get off the plane.

“Not without you!” I shouted and started to double back.

“No Charli! Go!” he shouted. I didn’t want to listen but his voice just made me do it.

The lift reached the bottom and they began to fill the grave. Tears flooded my eyes and finally spilled over. An arm pulled my body to them as I cried into their chest while rubbing circles in my back. We quietly looked at the gravestone as I shed more tears. The laugh, the smile, and the voice were gone.

As they finished filling the grave I moved out of the grasp of my friend and walked towards the gravestone and read the wording vowing I would fulfill them. I would do it for her, for the girl who lost her life that day, for Becky.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Charli
And i really hope she loves this.