

“Charli you cannot hide in your apartment forever. Please call me back. I know the funeral was hard for you, hell it was hard for me to seeing you in pan, but you need to live your life. Becky would have wanted that. Please call me back.” His voice echoed across the apartment as I sat on my couch eating from my coffee flavored ice cream carton. I had no energy to go anywhere. I was terrified to step out of my house. I even started working out of my home office instead of going to my real office. I was a wreck.

The phone started ringing again and I knew it was Brayden. Ever since the plane crash he has been my rock. When we boarded the plane to Montreal after the crash he was by my side the entire way. We held hands and prayed together that we would be fine. We were fine and when we went got to Montreal we exchanged numbers. We kept in touch regularly until Becky’s funeral.

I never fully knew Becky and would never have guessed how badly her funeral would have affected me. After that day I cut myself off from everyone. He dropped me of at my doorstep with a swift kiss telling me he’d call me in the morning. I merely nodded my head. Later I ignored his call. He left voicemail after voicemail yet I never picked up. I didn’t want to remember the plane crash, the funeral, and all the dead people around me. I could not emotionally handle it. It was just too much.

I sat eating my ice cream in peace until knocks on my door startled me. The knocks began slowly then picked up pace and force. My door was shaking. My eyes scanned the room for the nearest hard object and decided to grab the book end before walking towards the door.

“Who is there…” I nervously asked as I moved closer to the door ready to swing if someone barged in. My hand clasped the handle as I peeked through the peephole in the door. I let out a sigh realizing it was not a mass murdered or a robber.

“Let me in.” he practically yelled as he kept pounding on the door. I could tell he was never going to leave so I opened the door and he walked in. He sighed before looking around the room. He took in all the empty ice cream containers, pizza boxes, and work papers all over the apartment. Half the lights were out and it looked like I gave up which I essentially did.

“Charli what was happened to you…” Brayden started as he walked towards me engulfing me in a hug. That one act of kindness sent me into overload and I cried. I had never cried over this; except at the funeral. My entire body shook as my emotions overcame me and Brayden stood there rubbing my back telling me how it would all be okay. He rubbed circles on my back and whispered in my ear how it would be okay but I did not believe him. Everyone told me it would be okay and it was not okay. I was stuck in an apartment afraid to see the world.

“We are leaving.” Brayden stated walking towards my bedroom with a suite case in hand. He entered my room and began throwing my clothes and products into the suite case. I stood there mouth ajar as I watched him throw my life into the suite case.

“What do you mean we are leaving?” I asked as he grabbed the suite case of my bed and walked towards the door.

“Exactly what I said. We are getting on a plane and heading to California.” He spoke as he opened the door to the apartment and began stepping out. I froze like a deer in the headlights; shocked that he wanted me to get on another airplane. Brayden noticed my nervousness and turned around; cupping my face with his hands.

“Charli just trust me.” He said with his lopsided grin. I meekly shook my head and followed him out of the apartment. I needed to get out of the apartment. When we were outside I shielded my eyes from the sun for it was too bright. Hell I felt like I was a vampire but luckily I don’t combust in the sun. He just chuckled before opening the door. Here goes nothing.