Status: Posting.

Never Too Late

Unexpected Visitor

I felt someone come near me. So close that I could feel their breath on my skin. Then I caught a familiar scent. Turns out it wasn't the Volturi after all. It was that scent I always loved.
I didn't need to turn around just to know who they were.

"I thought you were hunting with the others." I said, but it sounded more of a question than a statement.
"No. I thought you were hunting with the others." He said.
"No. I actually thought that I'd be alone since Esme said that everyone's going to hunt." I said matter-of-factly.
"Well, Esme said that I would be alone since everyone's hunting." He threw back.
"That's why I was surprised when I caught your scent in the house." I can already feel him smirking.
"Maybe they excluded the persons who locked themselves in their room when they said 'everyone', don't you think?" He questioned.
"I guess so." I sighed.

I headed towards the room and locked the door.
A minute after, I heard the lock click.
Damn bastard found the keys.
He entered my room with a tray in hand.

"You know, you're just wasting the food. You never should've cooked that. I'm not gonna eat that anyways." I spat.
ìYouíre wasting the food. You donít eat anything they give you.î He shot back.
ìI never asked them to give me anything.î I sighed.
"I know you're hungry. Why else would you go out of your room and head towards the refrigerator if you're not? So, eat up." He smirked and placed the food on a table near me.
"Go away, Edward. And get that out of here. I don't want any of it." I rolled my eyes and made the mistake of looking him in the eye.
"Stop glaring at me. And stop being so stubborn. Eat." He demanded and I smirked.
"Okay. Can you hand me the water?" I kept my smirk in place.

He handed the glass to me and drank the water. When I was done, I gave it back to him.

"There. Done. Now, get out." I said seriously.
"No." He smirked.
"This is my room and I don't want you in here." I glared.
"Well, this is where I live and I can be anywhere I want to be."
"Oh, last time I checked this is also my house. I guess whoever said that I was always welcomed in here got it all twisted, huh?" I asked sarcastically.
"I told you I can go to any place in this house if I want to. This might be your room, but it's still connected to the house, which means it's still part of the house. So, it only means I can go in and out of here anytime I want." He smirked.
"Okay, then. Who do you think is the guy who locked himself in his room and refused to talk to anyone for weeks, and because everyone respected him, they didn't enter his room, because they wanted to give him his privacy. When I locked myself, they also gave me my privacy. Right now, I want some privacy. And I just don't know why you, of all persons, can't understand that."
"I have a reason as to why I refused to talk to anyone." He explained.
"Well, I also have a reason as to why I'm avoiding everyone."
"Look, can you just listen to me right now?" He asked.
"Please." He pleaded when I didn't respond.
"I'm listening." I said.
"I hoped that you'd talk to me and just tell me the truth. But, everytime I went out of my room, I thought I'd see you, but I didn't. So I thought you went away. I thought I was the only one who could smell your scent. And it was just yesterday that Cam told me that you were still here, and that you were locking yourself, just like I did to myself-" He was in the middle of his explanation when he stopped.
"What? I'm still listening." I said.
"You eat, while I talk, okay?" He sighed.
"Ugh, fine." I ate and he went back to explaining.
"He also told me some . . . things." He trailed.
"I'm done." I told him as I emptied my plate.

He looked at the tray and smirked at me.

"I'm not hungry, my ass. See? You finished everything." He smiled.
"Oh, God! Can you not do that?" I asked, irritated.
"Don't do what?" He asked.
"Don't smile." I said and avoided his eyes.
"Why not?" He smiled again.
"Nothing. Okay, so I've finished the food, I listened to you, now get out." I said and he froze.
"Can you get the door?" He asked.
"I don't want to answer it okay? It's for you." He said.
"Edward.." I trailed.
"She's not gonna take long. I'll just stay here." He smiled and I headed out.


I opened the door and saw Bella. I thought Edward said she already left?

"Alyssa?" She called out.
"Hey Bella." I greeted her.
"Would you like to come in?" I asked.
"Oh, no. I'm not gonna stay long anyway. Uh, I heard you were back, so I decided to come here." She mumbled.
"If you want to talk to Edward-" I started but she cut me off.
"No. I actually wanted to talk to you." She said.
"Okay." I said as I closed the door behind me and joined her on the steps.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter. :)