Status: updated on january 7th :)

They Say True Love Is All You Need


"Dan asked me if we wanted to come to his birthday party on Friday, and you're coming with me whether you like it or not," I told Allie as soon as I met her in school.

"Wow, I didn't even get a chance to say no?" She smiled. "Of course I'm coming with you!"

"Sorry, I just really want you there with me and I was afraid you'd say no, since, you propbably already know the twins are going to be there..."

"I know they're going to be there. There's no way I can get away from them! We're in the same school and my best friend is dating their best friend; I guess I just have to deal with that," she said and I blushed.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"No problems," she replied and gave me a hug.

After school my brother picked me up since he finished working at the same time school was over. It was kind of good as well, I didn't really like the school bus.

"Had fun?" He asked when I got inside the car.

"As usual," I chuckled and closed the door.

On our way home we stopped by a red light close to Starbucks, and I saw Dan. I rolled down my window and was about to shout 'hi' at him when this girl suddenly attacked him with a hug, and then they walked inside.

I rolled up my window as it switched to green light and Corey started driving again. I noticed how he looked at me.


"I'm okay," I snapped before he said anything else. He put his hand on mine.

"I love you, tiny," he smiled and looked at me for a few seconds before looking at the road again. He'd always called me 'tiny' since he's so much taller than me. I usually don't like it when people comment on my height, but he was definitely allowed to call me that.

"I love you, too" I smiled back at him and squeezed his hand.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Dan called me a couple of times that night. On the 8th call I picked up the phone.

"Hey, I've been calling all night! Why aren't you answering your phone?" He asked.

"You should know why," I replied coldly.


"Oh, come on. How could I ever think you'd change?"

"Louise, what are you talking about?"

"I saw you today, outside Starbucks."

"Starbucks? Oh, you don't understand, that was Mateo's sister."

I wrinkled my nose at how disgusting that sounded, I really didn't want that picture in my head.

"Mateo's sister?" I chuckled. "You really think I'd fall for that?"

"Listen, babe, I'm telling you the truth."

"No, you listen. I've wasted enough time on you, and you know what? It's over!" And with that, I hung up on him. He called back, but I turned my phone off.

There was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I sighed and Corey entered. He walked over to my bed and sat down beside me.

"Want me to break his neck? After all, I promised I would if he hurt you," he smiled slightly, though he was completely serious. I knew that face of his.

"I'm not hurt," I lied. "I'm just...confused. I thought- ah, nevermind."

Corey smiled sympathetically and tucked hair behind my ear.

"Are you still going to his party?" he asked.

"Maybe. I don't know. Should I?"

"It's up to you, but you know I'll support you no matter what. I just don't want to see my little sister sad, that's all."

"I know, Corey. Thank you," I smiled. He gave me a long squeezing hug. Not the kind where you can't breathe, no. It was the kind of squeezing hug that lets you know someone cares about you a whole lot, and really wants you to be happy every second of your life.

Corey is that kind of person; he's one of the most precious souls I know, and I couldn't be more grateful to have him as my big brother.

"Goodnight, sis," he kissed my forehead and began his way out of my room.

"Goodnight," I replied, and we exchanged smiles before he closed my bedroom door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter? Again? YES, and I'm sorry! D:
Although, there aren't many people reading this...

Oh well. Enjoy.
I'm close to the end of this story.