Caught Inbetween

Complicated Beginnings

As we attempted to run, I thought of all the shit we had done and how completely wrong we were about everything, and everyone. We should have listened or cared and maybe things wouldn’t have been so bad. But of course, that wasn’t who we were.

The ride to Chicago was the longest ride of our lives. I could see the guilt and anger written on Jessica’s face and I’m sure my own face was the same way. Our driver from the institute took pity on us and spared us the lectures and disgusted looks. I tried to listen to the jazz music playing on the radio but my mind was still racing. I couldn’t get that night out of my head, everywhere I looked out the window of the car was mocking me. We did a lot of fucked up things but we never thought it would go this far.

It was 9am when we pulled up to a large two story house. Everything about the house was welcoming and homey but I knew we would never get used to this place as home. I never knew what a home was, I mean sure, we both came from good families but they were never around. We were own kids, to independent for parents as cliché as it sounds. We broke their rules and even our own on occasion, we just never learned.

“Allie, I don’t know how we are going to get through this,” Jessica said from my side.

I glanced at her and smiled, “Me either but we’ll get through it, we have to.” With that I swallowed hard and glanced at home for the next year and rang the doorbell.

A women with long jet black hair answered the door. She saw us and immediately smiled, “Hi ladies I’m Melissa.”

I inwardly groaned, she was so happy I hoped it wasn’t all the time.

“Go on inside, the boys are in the living room.” She ushered us inside while she handled some paperwork at the door. I got nervous when she said boys because that definitely complicated this whole recovery thing.

We walked in the house and both of our jaws dropped, it was way bigger on the inside. The room on our left was an office type of room with a computer and files on it while the room on the right had the same general setup but it had pictures all over it. My eyes widened when I noticed all the Blackhawk gear everywhere.

Jessica said what I was thinking, “This is a hockey house dude.”

“That it really is,” I heard someone say. It was dark in the hallway so we walked toward what looked like the kitchen and saw about three guys hanging out. I smiled and pulled my dark brown curls out of my eyes.

“Holy shit,” Jessica said from beside me. I looked at her and laughed. Some of the guys were chuckling too.

“Jess, Jessica,” I said waving my hand in front of her face trying to bring her back to reality. “Sorry, she’s a little slow sometimes.”

“Hey now bitch, I can hear you,” She glared at me while I smirked back.

She was about to say something when someone came down the hallway, “Hey guys, I found it.” He said as he passed me and turned around to do a double take. Jessica looked pale at my side, it was Patrick Kane. Our chances of surviving this were going down the drain faster and faster. I saw Jessica open and close her mouth. I knew from all the games we used to go to in St. Louis that he was her favorite player. I was never going to hear the end of this later.

“Oh, good. I see you have met the girls.” Melissa smiled.

“Uhm I haven’t,” Patrick said staring at Jessica.

“Alright. Well this is Jessica and Allie. Allie and Jessica this is Patrick, Jonathan, Sharpie, and Brent.

“Nice to meet you,” I smiled shifting my weight to the other foot.

Melissa smiled, “Jon and Pat will you take them to their rooms. And the rest of you come on, pizza’s almost done.”

Jonathan grabbed my stuff and Patrick grabbed Jessica’s, they headed in different directions. I would be sleeping upstairs and it looked like Jessica had the basement. As I followed Jon up the stairs I wondered if I should say something but he look annoyed for some reason.

He stopped abruptly and turned to face me at the top of the stairs and out of earshot of the others, “Let’s get one thing clear, I don’t like you. And if you hurt Melissa it will be last thing you do.”

My eyes widened at this sudden change of mood but I quickly regained composure, “Fuck off Jonny boy. You don’t scare me.”

He just turned to a doorway on the left and threw my things inside and walked back down the stairs. “Asshole,” I muttered as he walked away. So instead of happy perfect year it will be a year of dealing with a complete jerk that already hates me and knows nothing about me. This couldn’t get any better.
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This ones for Allie :)

New story, decided to change it up. The stanley cup boys deserved a better story than the other crap i wrote before.

PSST-If you like the Penguins check out my story Breakeven.

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