Young Immortal

Finding rest in a little town

As they entered the gates, they noticed that the town had still not awoken, sure there where a few people walking about, going to their stores to prepare for the day ahead,
but apart from that, the street's where empty.
"We should find an inn" Nyxie said,"just so that we have somewhere to go for now"
"Why worry so much?"Lix said
"It's you im worried about sparkle-elf" Nyxie replyed sarcasticaly
"I have myself hidden, and beside's it look's like it will be overcast today" Lix jestured up toward's the sky, where thick roll's of cloud's could be seen in the distance.
"I think Nyxie is right" Natalie wispered,"a room would be a good idea, just incase".
They walked through the street's, there where a few more people walking about, setting up stall's, some of them threw curious look's, and Natalie was feeling self-consious, before they had
came into the town she had rubbed some coloured plant mixure on her face, that Nyxie had made up for her, it made her skin a creamy natural pink colour, and her hair was tied up and hid under a bonnet,
so it was hidden from view. She knew she could of just changed her skin and hair colour, if she had been in her own relm, but alas!, she could not wield her full power's whilest in this world.
And this annoyed her to no end.
She was so lost in thought that when Nyxie spoke, it made her jump.
"This look's like a good enough place" Nyxie said, they stared up at the old disheveled building. It was a tavern, not in the slightest luxurious, but it would would do, Nyxie pushed open the door, and the loud creek made Lix shudder.
"Are your ear's still sensitive?" Nyxie questioned, Lix nodded.
Natalie snorted, "they will allways be that sensitive,it will not just go away", Lix made a sour face at this.
They looked about the room. It was like a tavern, little tables filled most of the face, and a long bar was at the far end, with an overly large staircase beside it.
The palce was empty, bar a girl behind the bar, who was stacking a few pint glasses, she looked up quickly as she heard the three near the bar.
"Hello...there.."she started, but then she stared. This was never unusual, people alway's felt alienated around them, they where after all unnaturaly beautiful, and had a magical aura
around them. But this girl was also beautiful, more so than any mortal that they had seen so far, she still stared though.
"Umm" Nyxie muttered
"I'll handle this" Lix wispered to his wolf freind, he turned to the girl behind the bar, " hello there" his voice had suddenly turned alluring," we would be most delighted if we could rent out a room for a couple of night's,
a large one if you could".
The girl seemed to find it difficult to collect herself before she seemingly found her voice," of..of course" she stuttered "though ou...our biggest room only has one bed, a few comfy chair's"
"That will do us perfectly" Lix purred "we will take"
"how much is it a night?" Natalie asked
" gold and thirteen silver for the week" the girl answered, holding out the key.
"That will do fine, Lix?" Natalie said giving Lix a smile, he sighed and pulled out a small bag, the girl's went on up the starcase to find the room,leaving
him to pay the bill.
"May I ask you name?" Lix asked
"Lu..Lu..Lucy" the girl stuttered
"Well Lucy" he handed her a handful of gleeming gold coin's, "there's about one hundred there," he said, her face was a shocked look, "go buy yourself a nice home, or something", he threw her a wink and walked up the stair's.
Finding the room was no trouble at all, Lix's extremely sensitive nose followed Nyxie's animal sent to the third floor, there was only two door's on this level, and their room was to the right.
When he walked inside he was met with a large cat lying infront of a cosy warm fire, Natalie was sitting on one of the chair's munching grapes.
"So" Lix said
"So what?" Natalie asked
"So what do we do now?" Lix asked in an annoyed tone, "we are here to find someone to aid us, where do we start?"
"Hmm" Natalie hummed," let me think, give me a run down of your abilities"
"Really?" Lix said in disbelife," don't you know us by now?"
"I'll begin" said Nyxie " I can transform into any animal, therefore that unlock's a massive amount of abilities, like breathing underwater, keener sense's, night vision, added strength, you get the picture, also i have studdied alchemy,
I can create all sort's of potion's, and poison's, oh!, and animal's listen to me, they do what I ask of them".
"Well, thats the most you have ever described about yourself Nyxie" Natalie said with a smile, she turned to Lix.
"Fine" Lix said, " I am very acrobatic,fast,indestructible skin ,acute sense's and i'm alluring, I can turn myself, and other thing's invisible, and create shield's out of force energy, why do you need to know all this?".
Natalie did'nt even seem to be listening,"Nyxie!"she said, the cat turned to look at her," could you make me a powder that will hide my skin colour, better that that other rubbish i had to use?"
"Of course!" Nyxie said as if she had just been insulted," that would'nt be a problem for me!"
"Good" Natalie said,"we need to go out, meet the people, listen to the rumor's, and see if we can find any lead's on them"
"What kind of rumor's are we talking about here?" Nyxie asked
"I'm guessing rumor's about...unusual people" Lix said
"UGH!, im way too tired" Nyxie complained
"Don't care" Natalie said"we're splitting up and looking.Now"
♠ ♠ ♠
Nom Nom Nom, im eating up everything I see to try and get some, damnd insparation, which seem's to be avoiding me at the moment.