Promise Me Forever

let your head rest on my heart

My fingers drummed against the steering wheel. I couldn’t drive or get there fast enough. Her fear filled voice kept clogging my head as I thought about what she was going through, or what she’d gone through. I pulled up and all but jumped out of the car hurrying to the door and into the cool interior.

“Anna?” I called softly looking around to see if she was there. Her car was in the driveway so she was home it was just a matter of where. I tried the kitchen and then started upstairs to see if she was in her room. “Anna?” I called again a little more worried now than before. She wasn’t in her room, the bathroom, my room or the hall closet. Although, why she’d be in the closet was beyond me. I started back downstairs when a lump on the couch caught my attention. “Anna?” I asked walking towards it.

“Dude, shh, she just fell asleep,” I heard and turned sharply almost running into Kennedy as he left the kitchen. “She had a pretty rough night, let her sleep it off,” he said.

“Is she alright?”

“Yea, she’s fine. She’s probably tired, but I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t be. Dude, why are you here?”

I looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Why wouldn’t I be here? It would be better for me to be here than there anyways. This way I wouldn’t have my mind racing every which way thinking about if she was alright and if she wanted someone to stay here until I got home. Dude, I would’ve been useless anyways.”

“I suppose you have a point, but dude, I would’ve stayed here with her until you got home. Well, it looks like some random fan did this. But everyone with a girlfriend knows the first time you’re gone is the worst.”

“Yea, except she’s not my girlfriend, she’s my wife. I don’t even know how these creeps got my address,” I said. “God, this is fucked up,” I said. “I’m gonna just check on her,” I said walking towards the living room once again.

She was curled in a ball a blanket wrapped around her as she slept. Leaning down I gently rubbed a few circles against her shoulder. She mumbled softly but let her eyes crease open slowly. I smiled as she started waking up. Her arms wrapped around me when she realized I was home and I could really feel her joy to have me here.

“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in California.”

“Family emergency, my wife got the shit scared out of her when someone tried to break in. I needed to be here instead of there,” I explained softly. She started moving slowly to a sitting position taking the blanket with her. “I’m going to put my shit up but I’ll be back down in a minute alright? Go back to sleep,” I urged. She shook her head and with a sigh I got up grabbing my suitcase before retreating upstairs again.

Walking into my room I almost immediately noticed something was wrong. My stuff was not there at all. I guess I’d missed that when I was looking for her. Now it was front and center in my attention. I turned just in time to see her walk by and into her room, so I followed.

“Anna, where’s all my stuff?”

“I moved it,” she said with a shrug.


“Into our room,” she said. “This way I don’t have to walk across the hall if I hear a noise I can just roll over and push you out of bed to go see what it is,” she explained.

“Why are you letting me join you in your room? I mean, I’m not saying no I’m just curious,” I questioned. I wasn’t going to say no to sleeping in the same bed as Anna. I just wanted to know what had made her change her mind. And I knew it wasn’t just what had happened, it was something else.

“Well,” she said stepping closer. As her hands brushed down her shirt I noticed, for about the first time, that she was wearing one of my shirts. Her shorts were just barely visible below the fabric and it appeared she liked driving me crazy.

“I don’t know, it just sort of happened. How you stayed on the line with me until Kennedy got here and how you texted me all night long. How you’re here now when you’re needed in California for your band. I don’t know, I just… it seemed right for you to be here,” she concluded.

“You’re really going to let me sleep in the same bed as you?” With another shrug she nodded. I smirked and walked towards her pulling her closer to me. “You know, you wearing my shirt is pretty sexy,” I told her kissing her gently as my hands tugged softly against the fabric.

“You know your friend is downstairs,” she reminded me.

“There is a lock on the door,” I pointed out.

“I am not going to make out with you if he’s downstairs,” she informed me. She didn’t pull away though. Her lips pressed against mine innocently. “I’m really glad you’re home,” she said snuggling closer to me letting her arms wrap around my waist.

“I can easily make him leave,” I suggested.

“John,” she said softly.

“Fine, fine, but I warn you I’m so making out with you when we get home,” I said seriously. She rolled her eyes, pressed her lips to mine on last time before she finally detached herself from my and went to change. I walked back down the stairs to find Kennedy waiting in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. “We’re gonna grab some grub, would you and Baylee like to join us?”

“Yea, sure, I’ll have her meet us where ever we end up,” he said grabbing his phone to send her a text. “It’ll get better, the leaving her part, it will,” he said as if to reassure me that I wouldn’t feel like a dick every time I had to say goodbye.

“God I hope you’re right,” I said slumping into a chair to wait for Anna to make it down. It was just crazy to think about everything that had happened in the past day and a half. I couldn’t even think of everything I wanted to tell
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I had this written before the previous chapter
Seeing as it was done, I decided to put it up
I hope you don't mind.

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