Promise Me Forever

awkward greetings

“Anna,” I whispered softly. I’d been lying there for God only knew how long just waiting to see if she was really sleeping. She didn’t stir once, which I suppose was the point of that ‘experiment.’ With a smile I slowly made my way out of bed. It was nearing four o’clock and I wanted to get supper started. I pulled a pair of shorts on and started downstairs being careful to be quiet.

Entering the kitchen I checked my phone as it was sitting on the counter and read all ten messages. Five were from various members of the band and tour each asking if Anna was fine. One was from my mom informing me that I couldn’t let my marriage affect my career. The last four were from Kennedy who gave me hints on how to “have game” as he would say. I got a laugh out of the last one. Don’t forget, if you get her going you have to actually go or she’ll never get going for you again. I decided it was only right to reply like you would know. Jeez you evil little man whore talking about girls like that I’m so telling Baylee and left it at that.

Putting my phone down I started thinking of what I wanted to make that night. I thought hard on what she’d said she loved. She had at one point made some amazing breakfast but part of me knew that she needed something besides breakfast foods. It was for that reason I dialed my mom to request her opinion.


I still found it funny that she never checked the caller ID to see who it was prior to answering. “Hey mom,” I said. I heard her sigh in relief. I figured that Stephen had told her I’d driven home right after driving to California and no doubt she’d be worried. “I need some help.”

“Alright, what can I help you with?”

“Anna’s asleep upstairs and I wanted to make her something for supper.”

“Well, that’s awfully sweet of you,” she said. It was like she didn’t like Anna. I understood she was upset for how quick things went, but her attitude towards Anna was disrespectful and I wasn’t cool with it. At the same time, I wanted to give her time to adjust before I called her out on it and really it had only been a few weeks. “Why don’t you try making something simple? She’s had a rough time and simple things like comfort foods will help get back to ‘normalcy.’” she suggested.

“So, maybe making her soup?”

“It is far too hot to be making soup. Why don’t you go with something simple like her favorite sandwich? Or, you could make some pasta.”

“Alright, I think I have an idea,” I said. “Thanks, mom,” I said.

“Hope everything works out for you, John.”

As she hung up I had this sinking suspicion that she really wanted me to make something Anna wouldn’t like so she’d get angry or something. At the same time, I wondered if maybe my mom would ever come around to the idea of me being married. I figured she’d be upset about it for a while but in reality she had little to be upset about. Either way I started working some magic in the kitchen.

One of the absolute worst parts about cooking in Arizona was that no matter what the temperature outside was it was always, always too hot for baking or any sort of oven use. Nevertheless I’d cranked that oven to a peachy 375 to let the casserole cook completely. The only reason I knew she’d like this was because it was in her “favorite recipes” book that she carried almost everywhere. She was forever writing recipes in that thing, at least from what I’d seen in our short marriage. Either way, it looked like a good recipe. It was even vegetarian, and from the date, she’d only written it in there a few days ago.


I turned around to find a sleepy Anna standing there looking confused as she waited for my response. Her hands held a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, regardless of the heat outside. I noted she’d left her shorts off, not that you could tell really with her shirt. Her hair was skewed to the side as he pony tail rested against her neck and appeared to be falling out.

“You can go back to bed, I won’t let anyone get in,” I told her as she stood there. She smiled softly but walked towards me. “Did you at least get a good nap?” I asked resting my arms around the blanket and her waist.

“Yea, what smells so good?”

“That would be our supper. I made chili and cornbread casserole,” I said nodding towards the oven.


“It’s vegetarian, geez,” I mocked. I watched her grin grow before she turned to leave. “Where are you going?”

She stopped and turned to look at me as if I was insane. “Well, clearly I’ll not be eating in my underwear. I’m going to change, silly boy,” she said spinning around again to finally leave the room. I had to admit if she wanted to eat in her underwear I wasn’t going to stop her. But it would be a little bit awkward. I started setting the table when I heard a knock at the door.

“Anna?” I called. When she didn’t respond I started towards the door. I had to admit I had no idea who would be calling on us since only my family and our friends knew where we lived. And, of those people, none of them had any reason to be knocking on our door. Unless, that was, the crazy person that broke in had sold our address to everyone. But that would be insane. Opening it I saw only a girl standing there. She jumped when I swung it open like she’d been expecting no one to be home. “Yea?”

“Oh, um…wow you are cute in person. God, I’m sorry. Um…I’m Kim.”

“Um…thanks? I’m John, can I help you?”

She shook her head, “I’m sorry to bother you. I just wanted to apologize for my friend. She was bragging about how she’d broken in here and sent your wife a message and all this other crap. I didn’t know she was actually going to do it when she talked about it yesterday. I mean, if I had I would’ve stopped her or found some way to tell you and…well, I didn’t and I couldn’t. I’m just…I’m really sorry for not telling someone.”

“You really need to learn how to breathe.”

I let silence fill around us as I thought about what she’d said. She knew who did this, but hadn’t stopped her. At the same time she was apologizing for her. I was confused. I felt a hand against my shoulder and turned to see Anna standing beside me and I wondered how much she’d heard.

“Wow, you’re prettier than the pictures give you credit,” Kim said quickly.

“Thanks. John, don’t be rude, invite her in,” she said looking towards me. Kim was quick to start shaking her head but Anna was having none of it. “We just made dinner and someone thinks we need to feed an army and made a ton of food,” she said pointing her head towards me. “Come on in, please.”

I watched Anna and then turned to watch Kim. She nodded in agreement. I moved to let her in and watched her follow Anna towards the dining room. I’d married one interesting girl.
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