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Waiting was always the hardest thing for Alex, he wasn't one of the most patient people in the world. But he could do it for her, Rachel meant everything to him, he would wait centuries for her return if he had to. However he knew that it was only a matter of minutes before she would return to him, return to his embrace as he held her petite form close to him.

He always loved to hug her.

When they had first met Alex had been hesitant to show his interest in her. He was a nervous kid in high school and he hadn't plucked up the courage to ask her to be with him for several months. He always kicked himself when she got into relationships with other men because he was the one that wanted to be with her, he wanted to be the one to hold her tight and kiss her goodnight.

But he had waited. Like the fool he was he let her slip through his fingers while he waited for the opportune moment. It just got harder and harder to find that moment as time dragged on, time was infinitely slower when he could not be with her. Despite all that people thought to be true she meant everything to him; she was a blossom he wished to hold.

Waiting in an airport was significantly different to the waiting he had to do for half his life. In that time he had kicked himself more times than he could count and had tried with all his might to not force Rachel to be all his, no one else's. Now though, he could breathe a sigh of relief, Alex had finally built up the courage to tell her how he felt and she had accepted him into her life, with a glowing smile and a laughter that rang out amongst the stars.

Rachel was perfect in every way to him.

He sat impatiently by the arrivals entrance. He fidgeted inconspicuously as he looked at the door every few seconds. She would be coming through those doors soon, to return to his arms like he'd craved for several excruciatingly long weeks. He closed his eyes and began to calm himself down, he always got over excited when it came to her because she just made him so unbelievably happy.

After several minutes of having his eyes closed he felt a hand reach out and block his eyes from viewing the owner. He smiled as he heard her voice, a tuning fork that had been touched by the stars. He took her hand in his own and stood up to meet her gaze, his grin widening further and further. She dropped her bags and jumped into his arms, the exact place she was meant to be. The only place he ever wanted her to be.

He didn't need to wait any more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cute :3
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