Status: New! tell me what you think.

Agent C

Cold Shower

I walked into my house and shut the front door quietly; making my way to the living room only to stop and stare in disgust.

My younger brother was currently sucking the lungs out of his girlfriend, and she seemed to enjoy it!

Shameless children, I thought with a sad shake of my head, don’t they realize there are things in life more important than dating?

With a silent sigh, I took a step out of the room and made my way to my bedroom; located at the top of the second staircase.

I shut and locked the door then quickly made to my laptop; the light was flashing which signaled I had an email.

I brought up my email and clicked the link; a black screen popping up.

If you were new and didn’t know what to look for then you would have missed the barely discernable box on the top left of the screen; good thing I’m not new.

I typed in the required numbers with practiced precision and watched as another page loaded onto the screen.

A white screen with neon and flashing green lettering gave the warning: Virus Alert! Will Cause Harm To Device!

But of course this was precautionary. If anyone unauthorized wandered farther on, it could be disastrous to the human race.

I double clicked the letters and a box prompting for a security code appeared. I complied.

Hitting enter, once more a screen popped up.

This one was more normal, with pages and links. But that was as far as normal goes around here.

The content of these pages were confidential and only a certain few people from each country are able to access them.

Me being one of these lucky few.

I moved the cursor around and clicked on my destination: News.

The screen went black and I cursed: this meant that something big was going on.

I deleted my history and shut off my laptop; shoving it into its case and grabbing my jacket.

I marched to the cold tile that was my bathroom and stepped into my shower, twisting the handle and turning it all the way to cold, cursing when ice cold water pour over me: in my haste, I had forgotten to turn the nozzle away from me.

As I suddenly felt the shower shake, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what I knew was coming.

The drain opened up and swallowed me whole.

I went through a series of nauseating twists and turns, finally landing on my feet seconds before I thought I would blow chunks.

A man with tan skin was waiting for me.

He gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug; ignoring my dripping wet clothes tactfully.

“Ragez,” I greeted. Ragez was what everyone called him since no one was able to pronounce his real name and he was widely known for his rage when he got angry; don’t let that kind smile fool you, there’s a devil somewhere under there.

“Sir,” he replied kindly in a slight accent.

“Do we have to continue to use that damned shower as my mode of transportation?” I asked but he did not answer, knowing this was the question I asked every time.

“Sir, we have a problem,” he said, a few minutes of silence broken.

“I know. Start explaining,” I demanded.

He cleared his throat. “Well, sir, there has been a security breech in Sector Twelve-” I cut him off, thoroughly shocked.

“What?! Was anyone injured?”

“No sir,” he carried on like I hadn’t just interrupted him. “The person was never caught.”

“Damn,” I muttered. Another thing for me to have to worry over.

“There’s more, sir.” He sounded meek all of a sudden and I wasn’t sure I was going to like this.

No, I was positive I wasn’t going to like this; in fact, I’ll probably hate it.


“They stole the chip.”

I stopped and stared at him.

“Did we get any trace on them?” I asked quietly. This was bad, so very bad. With that chip in the wrong hands, it could decimate the entire world.

“We have a lead. In Canada, near the Northern Alaskan border.”

“Ragez! Over here.” Someone off to the side of us called his name urgently and Ragez gave me an apologetic smile before trotting over to the man.

I steeled myself and continued to the Captain’s office; my destination.

I knocked on the door thrice and opened it; stepping in and shutting the door behind me.

The man sitting behind the desk was intimidating to say the least: his razor sharp, ice blue eyes held a scary intelligence, and his gaze was enough to make a five star general piss himself; his salty, brown hair made him seem aristocratic in nature but the square set of his jaw made him appear ruthless and barbaric; his nose was large and crooked, adding to the idea of barbaric tendencies; when he looked down on you, you felt like an ant; and his hands looked as if he could crush your spine with two fingers.

Captain, although not his real name, (we called him nothing else but ‘Sir’) was a massive man; but respected by everyone. Greatly respected.

No one knew the details of his past but we all knew that that past is what made his character so commendable in the present.

“Agent C,” he greeted, giving me a curt nod.

“Captain,” I responded, giving a nod in return.

I was Agent C; or Agent Dave. Depends on the mood really.

I’m not going to be showy or boastful and tell you I’m the best there is but, I am.

“I’ve got a job for you.”

“The chip?”

He nodded, pulled out a white folder, and handed it to me.

I flipped open the file to see a pale man with beady eyes staring back at me.

“Gredio Elmucniio, born to Della Elmucniio on the twenty-third of December, nineteen seventy-two,” Captain began. “No siblings. Gredio and his mother lived in Brooklyn, New York until the age of nine when he moved here. At fifteen, we picked him up.” He looked at me pointedly.

“So he was one of us.” Not a question but he answered nonetheless.

“Technically, he still is one of us. He disappeared in 1997; he was twenty-five. He was declared as dead instead of a traitor.”

“But he’s not dead, is he?”

“No,” Captain said quietly.

“So, you think this man, Gredio, has the chip?”

“I don't think; I know he has it.”

I nodded resolutely. “I’ll find him and the chip.”

He looked at me and for a second I saw a flash of deep emotion.

“He’s dangerous. I trained him myself,” he said sadly.

I stepped forward and fisted my hand over my heart.

“I won’t let you down, Sir.”

Captain was in a shockingly emotional mood today, he gave me a small smirk.

“You never have, Agent C. You never have.”
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