Status: steady

I'm Wearing Thin

I'm Not Running From You


“You are one lucky man,” Rian shook his head at me.

I smiled. “True that,”

Jack was still pissed off at me, and I guess he had a right to be. He’s known Lindsay longer than he has me, and he’s extremely protective over her. And every time I cheat on her, he has to watch her be upset. It probably seems like I cheat on her because I know she’ll forgive me, but that’s not the case. I don’t really understand why I do it.

I was happy that Lindsay was coming with us, but nervous too. I didn’t want another guy to charm her and take her away from me; that’s happened once. But I wanted to prove to her that I could change, and that’s what I was determined to do.

Once we were done practicing and Jack went into Zack’s kitchen to get a soda, I followed him.

“Hey, dude,” I said, tapping his shoulder.


“I’m sorry about being an ass to her all the time,” I said sincerely.

He sighed. “I can’t be mad at you anymore, because since you apologized to her and me, that would make me a douche bag to hold a grudge.”

“So we’re good?” I asked. He nodded.

“Yeah, we’re good,” He slapped my hand, enveloping it into our signature handshake we made up in ninth grade. “So you invited her to come with us?” I nodded. “Did you do that because that’s what she wanted, or what you wanted?” He questioned.

“Both,” I said, after thinking about it for a minute. I always did miss her on tour, so I invited her for me, plus, she wanted to come as well. I wanted to make her happy.

- - -

“Baby I’m home,” I called once I walked in the door, twirling the keys on my finger.

“Hey,” She responded, not taking her eyes off of the TV. She was watching Alice in Wonderland. She loved that movie. I plopped down on the couch next to her, snaking my arm around her waist and pulling her into me. Her stomach was bare under the blankets she was wrapped up in. “I’m wearing a bathing suit, I’m not naked.” She informed me before I asked.

“Damn it,” I snapped my fingers, and she giggled. ”Maybe we could change that,” I smirked, kissing her. She kissed back for a minute but then pulled away, whining.

“I wanna finish the movie,” She protested.

“Pause it, finish it later,” I pressed my lips to hers again. She shook her head and pulled away, resting her head on my shoulder. I pulled a little bit of the blanket off of her and wrapped myself in it too, so that I could hold her easier. Plus, I was a little cold too. The air conditioner must be on high.

“Alex?” She said, getting my attention. I nodded for her to go on. “I don’t have to go on tour with you, you know. I don’t want to force you to let me come with you.”

“Baby, I want you to come. I want you to be there to see me perform, and watch me from the side of the stage. And I want to prove to you that I love you,” I told her honestly.

“Okay,” She said softly. I could tell she was still upset with me a little bit, but I didn’t blame her. If she had cheated on me I would be going nuts. “I’m gonna go wash my face,” She said, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I heard the sink water switch on, and I groaned quietly. I hated this little bit of tension that was going on between us. I wish I wasn’t such a douche. It would all change though. I’m not going to risk losing her ever again.
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This ones short too, I'm sorrry. Comments and subscribe?