Status: steady

I'm Wearing Thin

She's Glitter And Gold


“Mmm, baby,” He kissed me again, rocking me gently back and forth in his arms.

“You have to go get ready for the show,” I told him, pushing him gently.

“I’ll go naked if I can stay here and kiss you more,”

I smirked. “I wouldn’t want that, because than some girl would steal your sexy naked ass away from me,”

He got serious. “Baby, my ass is all yours,” He smiled a little, kissing me roughly.

“Good. Now go get it in your dressing room, and then up on the stage.” I ordered.

“Ooh, controlling. What a turn on,” He smirked wide, kissing me again. I laughed, shaking my head and pulled away.

“No! Go!” I demanded, cracking a smile.

“Fiiiiine!” He whined, stomping his foot playfully and pouting. “I love you,” He said.

“Love you too, good luck!” I called as he was walking backwards out of the bus.

“I don’t need luck, I kick ass naturally,” He winked at me and shut the door behind him, running towards the venue.

- - -

I hummed along to Dear Maria, Count Me In as I pinned up some of the shirts, getting ready for the crowd to come.

“Hey there,” Pat Kirch said, stopping in front of the merch stand.

“What’s up Patty?” I plopped down into my red lawn chair.

“Psh, well, obviously the grass is up, like, duh.” He said, flicking his wrist.

“Totally,” I laughed, rolling my eyes.

“So how’s tour life treating you?” He asked, sitting on my lap unexpectedly, knocking all of the breath out of me.

“It’s good,” I shrugged.

“It must be hard seeing all those slutty chicks all over Alex, huh?”

I tensed, and faked a small smile. “Not really,” I lied. It was extremely hard. I dressed to impress all the time, just because I felt like I had to prove something to him. And we were only one week into tour.

“Thank you guys so much, you guys were so awesome! You should go buy some of our sexy shirts and meet our merch girl. She’s pretty hot, and she’s alllllll mine,” I heard Alex scream, and I smiled.

“I better go before the teenies pummel me,” Pat laughed.

“Peace out girl scout, love you!” I called after him, and he proceeded to wave over his shoulder and skip away.

The crowd poured in fast, and after a half hour I was thankful Jack came over and saved me.

“Why don’t I take over so I can meet some of these lovely ladies?” Jack said, kissing my forehead.

“Thanks Jack,” I smiled, pushing my way through the crowd so I could get back to the bus. I was sweaty, my hair was probably a big fuzz ball, and my jeans were getting uncomfortable.

And as I approached the bus, I saw my tall, messy haired boyfriend pressed up against the bus by some blonde haired chick, her face sucking on his neck. I felt a pang of hurt rip through my body, and was just getting ready to walk over and break it all off with him, he finally pushed her off.

“I can’t do this,” He said, shaking his head.

“Why not?” She said, her voice annoyingly high.

“Because I’m in love, and she’s everything to me, and the only reason I kissed you is because I thought you were her and I’ve already had like seven drinks and… I need to go find her now,” He said, some of the words slurring together.

The girl huffed, crossed her arms over her chest to push her boobs up more into his face, and walked away. I looked at her, and the only thing that looked like her was the hair, a little bit. Besides that, we were nothing alike. She was a little stick, with huge boobs, and wore tons of makeup.

And as cute as that speech was, I was still pissed.

He groaned, slapping himself in the forehead, muttering a few swear words before looking in my general direction and realizing I was standing there. He stumbled over to me, and the closer he got, the faster the tears began falling.

“I thought I could trust you,” I shook my head, sprinting onto the bus and slamming the door.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sooo, I leave Friday. So that means no updates for about a month... or three weeks. Sorry guys, I <3 you.
Comments would rock my world.