Status: steady

I'm Wearing Thin

You Walk On Streets Of Gold


“Jack, I’m cold!” I yelled. Jack and I were lying on the couch, both of our bodies in different directions.

“What do you want me to do about it?” Jack yawned. He was tired, all of the boys were. They had been playing a show almost every night. Tomorrow we would be leaving to go to Texas. Right now most of them were grabbing some food, the only ones on the bus were me, Jack and Matt, and Matt was taking a nap.

“Go get me a sweatshirt.”

He shook his head, cuddling closer into the couch. I groaned.

“Fine. Don’t be a gentleman. I’ll get it myself!” I declared, standing up, smacking Jack’s head as I walked to the back room. As I retreated I heard Jack whine at me for slapping him.

I pulled my shirt off and went through Alex’s suitcase to look for a jacket to wear, and ended up finding a nice green v-neck, and a blue hoodie.

“Hey Matt, wake the fuck up we got foo-oh shit!” Zack said, walking into the back, seeing me in only a bra and jeans. Alex followed a few moments after, and exhaled, staring at me for a moment, than noticed Zack staring as well.

“Dude, you have five seconds to walk away,” Alex threatened. As horrible as it is, I almost liked when other guys looked at me and Alex got jealous. I sometimes hoped that he felt that pang of worry that maybe he might lose me, just like I feel when I see other girls eyeing him up like he’s a mannequin in a showcase.

“Sorry,” Zack mumbled, quickly walking back to the front of the bus.

“Wear a shirt,” Alex said, anger hinting in his voice.

I hesitated to answer, and he looked at me cautiously, seeing if he had crossed a line. “You don’t have to get mad, it’s not like I fucked him. He just saw me without a shirt,” I shot back.

He let out a breath, shaking his head, knowing he had pissed me off a bit. “I’m sorry. I just don’t like anybody else to see your body. These curves are mine,” He said lowly, nipping on my earlobe, sending shivers throughout my body. He pinched my sides, playing with the small bit of skin, but still making me feel self-conscious.

I pushed his hands off, shaking my head slightly and turning to face the wall as I put the shirt on, placing the hoodie on over it. I felt more secure, and warm.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, pulling me into his body.

“You’re so beautiful, stop,” He murmured. He knew I had issues with the way I looked. I always searched myself for flaws in the mirror. But what I don’t think he knew, was that most of the reason I feel that way, is because of him.

My phone began blaring out Dark Blue, by Jacks Mannequin.

I looked at the caller ID and groaned, knowing I was in for it now.

I flipped it open against my will. “Hello, mom?”
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This is a filler, sorry. I'm writing chapter ten now.
Check out my new story pweeease? Thanksss. (: