Sequel: Lost, Lost, Lost

Love the Leaves

sitting on sex and smoke

The next day was kind of different. Seth was walking toward me holding his girlfriend's hand and said to her that I was the girl he smoked with last night. Um, how sweet of him?

That night we were texting and he asked to see my pussy. I didn't exactly want to send him a picture of my vagina so I told him no. Then he sent me a picture of his (huge) penis and my head fell off. So I sent him a picture of my tits. Not that big of a deal, I thought.

Wow, was I wrong.

A few days later my sister and I snuck out of the house at 1:00 in the morning to hang out with Seth and Brick. The dudes were outside our house, waiting for us. We walked to Brick's house to get some cigarettes, then we walked all the way to Seth's (which was REALLY far away) to chill. We were in his room, which was actually a separate house on his property (which I thought rocked) smoking cigarettes and drinking diet coke.

Seth and I sat on his bed while Rahne and Brick were lying down on Seth's air mattress. I leaned over toward Seth and we kissed. Our kisses were sweet and simple, then turned into lovely deep french kisses. He wasn't like camel-kissing Brick at all, I thought. Seth was actually a very very great kisser. I enjoyed everything.

Then slowly he started to lift up my shirt from behind, and I knew we were about to get naked. So I stopped kissing him to take off my shirt and we kissed and kissed some more. Those deep, sexy kisses were making my heart thump harder and harder until I felt it flushing away in my intestines. Seth was irresistible and it was making me go crazy.

He ended up with no shirt on, I ended up naked and he was fingering me and making me feel so good; it was insane.

Possibly three hours later (yep, three hours. I checked on my phone.) we got dressed and went outside. A few good yards away were Rahne and Brick, sleeping. I got on Seth's back and we went over to them to wake them up. I told Rahne it was four in the morning and we had to get home before our parents woke up. She was out of the blankets and running through Seth's woods as fast as she could. Brick was catching up to her, and so it was just Seth and I again.

We made small talk and when I was finally home he gave me a tight hug. "I'll see you tomorrow? Erm, later today, actually," he asked me.

"Well yeah," I said. Wasn't that a given?