Sequel: Midnight
Status: Moved from of my accounts on Q!Zilla

Take it Back, Jacob Black.


“Oh, come on! One date is not going to hurt you. Stop being such a panty waist!”

I hopped onto the island and crossed my legs, clasping my hands together. Trace stared down at me as if I were a little kid that didn't know where babies came from. “Ry Ry,” - Curse whomever got him saying that - “I know you think you're helping, but I don't see Leah that way.”

I snorted. “Who said you needed to? I need a personal slave for two months and you're going on this date whether you want to or not!” I shouted, grabbing the phone on the wall. I dialed Seth's number and twirled the cord around my fingers.

I tapped my feet to the ring-back tone. He picked up almost instantly. “It's a go, Clearwater. Have Jacob drop her off at the house today around...” I looked over at Trace's incredulous face.

“No...” He mouthed, eyes wide.

I smirked, “Around seven thirty. There'll be a nice romantic dinner with her name on it! Tell her to dress nice. Maybe a nice cocktail dress and some flats. No make up though. Trace doesn't like girls who wear make up.” I said.

Seth groaned. “Girls and their fetish for fashion. Ugh, disgusting.”

“Yeah, yeah, just pass the word on, kid. They don't have to worry about Skylar since he's staying with our grandma the rest of the weekend. Thanks!” I hung up the phone and turned around.


I held my hand up. “Shush, go get dressed.” I said, heading up the stairs to get dressed myself. I wasn't going to stay here. I could always hang out with Seth or Jacob. I locked my door and turned on my stereo. I scanned the radio stations for something remotely interesting.

Once I found something, I went to my closet. I pulled off my pajamas and grabbed a pair of board shorts. I pulled off my bra and put on a bikini top. Over that, I put on a short sundress and a pair of cropped shorts. I sighed, slipping my feet into my sandals and looking in the mirror.

Why I was conscious of how I looked was beyond me, but I ran a brush through my hair until it was no longer frizzy. I put on some chap stick, slid my phone in my pocket, and grabbed a plastic bag from the pantry downstairs. “What are you doing?” Trace asked from the stove. He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black button down oxford. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He even tousled his hair.

I let out a low whistle. “Way to go, bro. You clean up nice.” I said, grinning as I stuffed a towel from the linen closet.

“I could say the same for you. Why'd you get all dressed up?”

“I'm going out.” I announced. Of course, I didn't know where..but with the actions my brain was telling my body to do, I assumed I was headed to the beach.

Waves lapped at my ankles and soft, cool mud squished between my toes. I bent to run my fingers across the surface of the water. A smile eased its way onto my face and I looked out at the ocean. It was pretty this time of day. It was just before sunset.

“Are you coming out here or are you just going to make goo goo eyes at the water all day?”

I glared up at the faces of Seth Clearwater, Jacob Black, and Embry Call. I flipped them off and went to where my sandals sat on a piece of driftwood. I pulled off my top and tossed it over them and then my pants. I turned around and walked into the water. “I can't believe you got Leah a date! Ryder has to be, like, a miracle worker.” Embry exclaimed, floating on his back.

I rolled my eyes. “She doesn't seem that bad to me, you guys should give her a break.” I said. They stared at me. I quirked an eyebrow. “Really, what could she have done to make you guys hate her so much?”

Jacob sighed, climbing onto the rock I was sitting on. “We don't hate her. We just can't stand her. See, her and Sam were together since junior high. In her senior year of high school, they had a party for her birthday. Emily came, because she's Leah's cousin, and Sam...sort of chose her over Leah. Ever since then she's been a major bitch.”

My response was irrational, but justified. I mustered all of my strength and shoved him off of the rock. He came up, choking out the seawater. “What did you do that for?!” He shouted.

I crossed my legs. “Because all of you are assholes. To go through something like that isn't easy and if she's mean it's only because she doesn't want to get hurt again. It's a perfectly natural response to being betrayed like that. Her being mean is a defense mechanism. I bet if you'd take the time to actually listen you'd realize that she pushes people away because she's afraid. Not because she hates the world.” I ranted.

I've been in that situation. Arguably, having it involve someone in your family must make it harder, the principle still applies. They were all silent, not really knowing what to do. Probably from fear of being harmed. I sighed and dove into water to calm my nerves. I couldn't believe they were so insensitive. I still barely knew Jacob, but I was appalled that he'd called her that.

I could feel the sand growing closer and closer, so I stood and waded through the rest as I came up to the shore. I took the towel out of my bag and rubbed my short hair dry. I brushed it and moved my bangs to the side so that I could see straight. Jacob came out of the water and shook out his hair. He reminded me strangely of a dog.

No, not a dog. That was to puny and weak. He reminded me of a wolf. He walked over and opened his arms for a hug. I rested my hands on my hips and he sighed. “Why must you be so difficult. Look, I'm sorry I'm such an insensitive little jerk. I mean, I didn't really look at it from her point of view..even with..” He trailed off, seeming to have gone down a path he didn't mean to, “Even with all the clues but I can try to be a little nicer.”

“Why should you apologize, Jacob? You barely know me and you're entitled to your own opinion.” I said, confused as to why he was so..intense suddenly.

His hand went to rub the back of his neck. “Well...If it isn't obvious, I like you. A lot actually. That's not the only reason why I'm apologizing. You make some sense and I guess I owe you and Leah an apology.”

I stared at him, not sure what to say. Of course, this is where my annoying body had to make me go and blush which caused him to chuckle which made me blush even more. “Shut up.” I said, attempting to glare and keep a straight face.

The combination of embarrassment and vehemency must have been pretty hilarious because he cracked up, his laugh filling the air. I rolled my eyes and shoved my junk in my bag. I looked up to see him staring at me with an unfathomable expression. “What?” I asked, tying off the bag and standing straight.

“You've got something on your eyelid. It's bugging me.” He said.

I reached up to touch my eyes, not feeling anything. He shook his head and moved to get rid of it. I closed my eyes, not really wanting sand or some stuff like that to get on my eyeballs...I mean, I think having sand on your eyes would hurt.

Something touched my lips. It was warm and soft. It wasn't long before I figured out it was Jacob's lips kissing me. I wasn't sure how to react. I mean, how do you react when a gorgeous stranger is kissing you?

He pulled away from me and waited for my reaction. I swallowed the rock in my throat.

“I believe, Black, that we have just had a moment.”